plain - a large area of flat or gently rolling land, plateau - a large area of flat land that is higher than the land around it, peninsula - a thin strip of land that is mostly surrounded by water , waterfall - water falling over a cliff, volcano - an opening in the earth's crust from which lava flows, valley - low land between hills or mountains, mountain - a large, tall mall of rock with steep sides. It is higher than a hill., hill - a mound of land with a rounded top. It is smaller than a mountain., isthmus - a thin strip of land that connects two large land areas. It is surrounded on two sides by water, island - an area of land that is completely surrounded by water, river - an area of water that flows into an ocean, lake, or another stream, canyon - a large crack in the ground. It is formed by a river or a series of earthquakes., delta - low, watery land formed at the mouth of a river, ocean - a very large body of water that covers 70% of earth, lake - a large natural area of water surrounded by land, bay - a natural area of water that is mostly surrounded by land, cliff - a steep, vertical face of rock or soil, glacier - a giant body of ice, cave - an opening in a mountain or hill that leads to an underground space, mesa - an area of raised land with a flat top and steep sides ,
Landform Definitions
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