some +countable, some +uncountable, another , other , others, some/any, to be able to do smth(Present, Past ,Future), passive with modal verbs, start, continue, finish + Ving , Superlative degree of adjectives, to be going ( about) to do smth, used to +V «раньше», «прежде», To get used to "привыкать", "свыкнуться" с чем-то, что раньше было непривычным, Real, probable situation for present or future- First Conditional ( If Present Simple, Future Simple), Imaginary situation in Future or at Present -Second Conditional ( If Past Simple, would V), Imaginary situation in the past -Third Conditional ( If Past Perfect, would have V3 (ed)) , scissors, tongs, tights, trousers, clothes, goods, Information, advice, knowledge, equipment, luggage, furniture, I wish + Past Simple ( сожаление о настоящем), I wish + Past Perfect ( сожаление о прошлом), Avoid, allow, keep,suggest, advise+ Ving, Preferences + Ving.




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