What happened in the first period of expansion - Conquered the truscans Latins and controlled all of the Italian Peninsula, What happened in the second period of expansion - The Persian Empire and Carthage were threatened by the Romans. Rome gamed control of North Africa Spain and Sicily, What happened in the third period of expansion - Ruled the Mediterranean and took control of Asia Minor Syria and Egypt. Julius Caesar conquered Gaul, What happened in the fourth period of expansion - Augustus ruled and pushed the natural boundaries, What tribe did the Romans make peace within 493 BCE - The Latins, What event occurred in 309 BCE and what did Rome do after - Rome nearly came to an end and the Romans fled into the countryside, What's one consequence of the first wave of expansion - The Republic of the elected leaders was lost, Where is Carthage located - North Africa, What was the name of the war's fought against Carthage and why are they called that - They were called the Punic Wars and the Latin name for Carthage is Punic, After the first Punic War what territory did the Romans gain - Sicily, What was the name of the Carthage Indian general who attacked the Italian Peninsula - Pompey, How long did the second Punic War last and how was it fought - 10 years and Carthage attacked Italy hannibal Carthages General surprised Romans by coming a long way to attack them to, What did Rome gain after the second Punic War - Gained control of Spain and got money, What was the outcome of the third Punic War - Rome burned Carthage and many were killed or sold into slavery. They were considered the greatest power in the Mediterranean, How were farmers impacted by the Punic Wars - If they were not rich they were forced to sell their land, What's another cost of the Punic Wars - Rome got new customs mainly from Greece, Would occurred in 90 BCE - The Conquered rebelled and a rome light Italians become Roman citizens, Who was Spartacus and what did he do - He was a slave that led a Revolt and he was killed in battle, Which two Roman generals fought a Civil War against each other - Pompeii and julius Seether, Why was Julius Caesar's crossing of the Rubicon significant - The Senate forbade Julius Caesar to enter Italy but he did it by crossing the Rubicon anyways, After Julius Caesar was declared dictator for Life what is one reform he enacted - He started Gladiator contests, Describe what occurred during Julius Caesar's assassination on what date did this happen - Stabbed in him to death and he died on March 15th 44 BCE, What took place during the decade following Caesar's murder - A Civil war that lasted for 10 years took place and Julius Caesar's grand nephew Octavian came into power, What occurred in 31 BCE - Octavian defeated Cleopatra and Anthony in a sea battle, Who was Rome's first emperor and what did his name mean - His name was Augustus Caesar and he rolled over 50 million people, What was the name of Augustus's private Army - Pretorian guard, What is the Pax Romana - Means Roman peace and was the greatest Empire ever known, What was the Forum and what was this significance - It was the center of most of the important public activities in Rome and its Empire and it was entertainment for people, What was life like living in the city of Rome and who lived on the countryside - There were a lot of peopleand it was dangerous to go out at ni and it had great architecture. Free people lived on the countryside, What was a Fasces what was its significance - Bunzels of sticks with an ax in the center and when the ax was removed it symbolizes the right of Roman citizens to not rule against them, How was Roman law applied differently depending on wealth - Now the rich were treated less harsh, Describe one way religion impacted daily life in realm - The rich were treated less harsh, Who was calagula and how was he treated - He was a Roman Emperor and he was looked up to and honored, What could happen to some Roman children and what was a bulla - If the father didn't like the baby it would die or be claimed for slavery. Ebola is a good look charm, What was Thermopolia - Basically fast food places the poor and Rich both visited them, What is an atrium - A haul where a family received guests, Power Roman boys and girls educated differently - Boys learned Latin Greek math science literature music and public speaking while girls may become dentists real estate agents or tutors, What is play wealthy and poor romance would enjoy recreation - The problem the rich did theater and music and went to public baths and the poor watched Gladiator fights and chariot races, What happened at the circus Maximus - It held all Chariot races Gladiator fights and stuff like that,
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