1) Залишитися a) like b) you're rubbish c) enjoy yourself d) stay 2) в чому справа? a) top up a phone b) winning c) what's the matter? d) I give in 3) такий як a) top up a phone b) it's such fun c) I DO love it  d) like 4) гарно провести час a) enjoy yourself b) an instructor  c) forget forgot forgotten d) cost a fortune 5) інший a) an instructor  b) I give up c) other d) Upset 6) ти відстій, сміття  a) you're rubbish b) give back (give gave given) c) before d) Answer 7) справедливо a) miss a goal b) a text c) stay d) fair  8) бойові мистецтва a) beginner b) awesome c) martial arts  d) put put put 9) нести a) carry b) give back (give gave given) c) enjoy yourself d) Answer 10) з ще однією людиною a) with one other person  b) stay c) what's the matter? d) winning 11) здобування балів a) think of / think about b) with one other person  c) scoring points d) awesome 12) Кльовий a) question b) beginner c) awesome d) scoring points 13) молодий a) I give in b) Young c) before d) forget forgot forgotten 14) тренер, інструктор a) winning b) an instructor  c) question d) stay 15) пропустити гол a) shut up b) like c) miss a goal d) cost a fortune 16) відповідь, відповідати  a) put put put b) Answer c) a text d) give back (give gave given) 17) це забавно  a) fair  b) it's such fun c) Together d) awesome 18) засмучений a) Upset b) before c) awesome d) it's such fun 19) я ДІЙСНО полюбляю це  a) awesome b) miss a goal c) I DO love it  d) you're rubbish 20) перемога a) you're rubbish b) think of / think about c) winning d) cost a fortune 21) питання a) question b) put put put c) enjoy yourself d) should, shouldn't 22) подумати про a) like b) other c) think of / think about d) I DO love it  23) я здаюся (і погоджуюся на якусь пропозицію) a) martial arts  b) I give in c) enjoy yourself d) beginner 24) я здаюся (припиняю старатися) a) I give up b) with one other person  c) put put put d) miss a goal 25) разом a) it's such fun b) Together c) think of / think about d) Young 26) кричати на a) yell at b) Upset c) an instructor  d) Answer 27) замовкни a) Upset b) miss a goal c) question d) shut up 28) коштувати цілий статок a) like b) Answer c) cost a fortune d) winning 29) Забувати a) beginner b) forget forgot forgotten c) I DO love it  d) should, shouldn't 30) поповнити рахунок на телефоні a) top up a phone b) like c) winning d) you're rubbish 31) текстове повідомлення a) it's such fun b) a text c) you're rubbish d) I give up 32) перед, перед тим як a) enjoy yourself b) Young c) other d) before 33) класти a) beginner b) put put put c) I DO love it  d) you're rubbish 34) повернути a) winning b) Young c) give back (give gave given) d) cost a fortune 35) лише, тільки a) you're rubbish b) I DO love it  c) only d) put put put 36) слід, не слід a) Upset b) an instructor  c) should, shouldn't d) like

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