
Key Stage 1 Numbers & fractions


10,000+個符合‘ks1 numbers fractions’的搜索結果

1 to 10 Wheel
1 to 10 Wheel 隨機輪盤
Number word match up- 0-10
Number word match up- 0-10 匹配遊戲
Ordinal Numbers 1st-10th
Ordinal Numbers 1st-10th 標籤圖表
numbers in words
numbers in words 隨機輪盤
Alien Ordinal Numbers
Alien Ordinal Numbers 標籤圖表
1 more
1 more 匹配遊戲
Number words zero to ten
Number words zero to ten 隨機輪盤
0-10 Numeral/Numicon match
0-10 Numeral/Numicon match 匹配遊戲
Ordinal Numbers Quiz
Ordinal Numbers Quiz 測驗
Solar System
Solar System 標籤圖表
Spell the number words 0-10
Spell the number words 0-10 拼字遊戲
Ordinal Numbers 1st-5th
Ordinal Numbers 1st-5th 標籤圖表
Numbers to 20
Numbers to 20 隨機輪盤
Counting wheel 1-10
Counting wheel 1-10 隨機輪盤
1-10 wheel
1-10 wheel 隨機輪盤
Teen or ty?
Teen or ty? 按組排序
Letter Words 0-10
Letter Words 0-10 填字遊戲
1-5 open the box
1-5 open the box 開箱遊戲
1-5 number wheel
1-5 number wheel 隨機輪盤
Math Quiz
Math Quiz 測驗
Place Value Balloon Pop
Place Value Balloon Pop 刺破氣球
matching numbers and words to 20
matching numbers and words to 20 查找匹配項
Place Value Aeroplane
Place Value Aeroplane 飛機遊戲
Place Value PAC MAN
Place Value PAC MAN 迷宮追逐
Dinosaur Ordinal Numbers
Dinosaur Ordinal Numbers 標籤圖表
Ordinal numbers- Can you spell the number words?
Ordinal numbers- Can you spell the number words? 拼字遊戲
Number word match up 0 to 20
Number word match up 0 to 20 匹配遊戲
digit and written number match up to 20
digit and written number match up to 20 匹配遊戲
tens and ones- tens frame
tens and ones- tens frame 按組排序
number names and numerals to 20
number names and numerals to 20 測驗
Counting wheel
Counting wheel 隨機輪盤
Maze Number word match up 0 to 20
Maze Number word match up 0 to 20 迷宮追逐
Addition and Subtraction worksheet
Addition and Subtraction worksheet 匹配遊戲
Money coins match
Money coins match 匹配遊戲
Whole, halves and quarters.
Whole, halves and quarters. 按組排序
number word match 1-20
number word match 1-20 匹配遊戲
Number word match up 0 to 20- swap
Number word match up 0 to 20- swap 匹配遊戲
Fractions 問答遊戲
Doubles to 20
Doubles to 20 查找匹配項
1 more match up
1 more match up 匹配遊戲
Number line 1-20 - words
Number line 1-20 - words 標籤圖表
Representing number group sort
Representing number group sort 按組排序
Bondiau rhif 10
Bondiau rhif 10 查找匹配項
Doubles to 10
Doubles to 10 查找匹配項
Spelling numbers 11-100
Spelling numbers 11-100 匹配遊戲
Ordering numbers (millions) lowest first
Ordering numbers (millions) lowest first 排名順序
Half of (with units)
Half of (with units) 匹配遊戲
Multiples of six
Multiples of six 打地鼠
Fractions 隨機輪盤
Spelling numbers
Spelling numbers 拼字遊戲
 1-15 bingo wheel
1-15 bingo wheel 隨機輪盤
Numbers memory game 1-10
Numbers memory game 1-10 配對遊戲
Greater Than, Less Than or Equal To (within 20)
Greater Than, Less Than or Equal To (within 20) 測驗
Numbers 配對遊戲
Match up 6-10
Match up 6-10 匹配遊戲
Maths recognising amount
Maths recognising amount 隨機輪盤
Tricky teens
Tricky teens 飛機遊戲
2 times table True or False
2 times table True or False 真假遊戲
Spot the Prime -Prime numbers under 30.
Spot the Prime -Prime numbers under 30. 打地鼠
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