
Key Stage 2 English Vocabulary


10,000+個符合‘ks2 english vocabulary’的搜索結果

sport 觀看並記憶
11 PLUS - Match the word to definition
11 PLUS - Match the word to definition 匹配遊戲
Camping Equipment
Camping Equipment 標籤圖表
Adverb Hangman
Adverb Hangman 猜字遊戲
Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives and Adverbs
Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives and Adverbs 按組排序
prefix suffix crossword
prefix suffix crossword 填字遊戲
Prefix match up
Prefix match up 匹配遊戲
Parts of body
Parts of body 標籤圖表
Formal and informal language
Formal and informal language 匹配遊戲
KET and PET Speaking Part 1
KET and PET Speaking Part 1 隨機輪盤
Time connectives
Time connectives 隨機輪盤
able and ible definitions
able and ible definitions 匹配遊戲
Antonyms 匹配遊戲
Conjunctions and Adverbials to Compare and Contrast
Conjunctions and Adverbials to Compare and Contrast 按組排序
job duties (occupations and roles)
job duties (occupations and roles) 匹配遊戲
Adding vowel suffixes quiz
Adding vowel suffixes quiz 測驗
Conversation wheel
Conversation wheel 隨機輪盤
singular or plural possession
singular or plural possession 按組排序
Prepositions 隨機輪盤
Modal Verbs Spinner
Modal Verbs Spinner 隨機輪盤
Contraction Match Up
Contraction Match Up 匹配遊戲
Homophones 完成句子
similes and metaphors
similes and metaphors 測驗
Word Class sort
Word Class sort 按組排序
Adverbs 測驗
Grammar Sort
Grammar Sort 按組排序
Find the match - Irregular plurals
Find the match - Irregular plurals 查找匹配項
Persuasive Techniques
Persuasive Techniques 測驗
Simile Quiz
Simile Quiz 測驗
Fact or Opinion
Fact or Opinion 按組排序
onomatopoeia match up
onomatopoeia match up 匹配遊戲
Fronted adverbial starters random wheel
Fronted adverbial starters random wheel 隨機輪盤
figurative language
figurative language 測驗
11 plus - balloon pop
11 plus - balloon pop 刺破氣球
Suffix 匹配遊戲
11+ vocabulary
11+ vocabulary 匹配遊戲
able and ible endings
able and ible endings 按組排序
Idioms 測驗
silent letters
silent letters 按組排序
expanded noun phrases
expanded noun phrases 查找匹配項
conjunctions 完成句子
由 匿名
11 plus - Hangman
11 plus - Hangman 猜字遊戲
11 plus anagram
11 plus anagram 拼字遊戲
anti super auto inter prefix words
anti super auto inter prefix words 填字遊戲
Multiple choice questions 11 plus words
Multiple choice questions 11 plus words 測驗
Feelings Inference
Feelings Inference 按組排序
-able/-ible 測驗
Fronted adverbials
Fronted adverbials 匹配遊戲
past tense verbs match up
past tense verbs match up 匹配遊戲
Homophones Quiz
Homophones Quiz 測驗
Dis prefix match up
Dis prefix match up 匹配遊戲
Apostrophe 查找匹配項
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