
Key Stage 4 / GCSE Business Studies


10,000+個符合‘ks4 business’的搜索結果

Types of Business Ownership
Types of Business Ownership 匹配遊戲
Employability skills - matching pairs
Employability skills - matching pairs 配對遊戲
What to wear in a job interview (cleared leaderboard)
What to wear in a job interview (cleared leaderboard) 打地鼠
Microsoft Programmes-what do they do?
Microsoft Programmes-what do they do? 匹配遊戲
 GCSE Business 9-1 Human Resources
GCSE Business 9-1 Human Resources 隨機輪盤
Enterprise & Marketing RO64
Enterprise & Marketing RO64 隨機輪盤
Business Studies Unit 1 Keywords 1
Business Studies Unit 1 Keywords 1 填字遊戲
Structure of an Email - glow
Structure of an Email - glow 標籤圖表
Employment Law Quiz
Employment Law Quiz 測驗
Income Statement Key Terms
Income Statement Key Terms 匹配遊戲
Cash Flow Types
Cash Flow Types 按組排序
Personal Skills
Personal Skills 隨機輪盤
Costs - Fixed vs Variable
Costs - Fixed vs Variable 按組排序
Marketing Key Terms
Marketing Key Terms 匹配遊戲
Motivation 隨機輪盤
Market Research - Primary / Secondary Pros / Cons
Market Research - Primary / Secondary Pros / Cons 按組排序
Branding (Business)
Branding (Business) 隨機輪盤
Pricing Strategies
Pricing Strategies 匹配遊戲
Internal / External Recruitment
Internal / External Recruitment 完成句子
Batch Production
Batch Production 按組排序
Business Ownership
Business Ownership 按組排序
form wheel of questions
form wheel of questions 隨機輪盤
explaining osmosis
explaining osmosis 標籤圖表
Les loisirs
Les loisirs 隨機輪盤
types of communication
types of communication 按組排序
Homeostasis definition
Homeostasis definition 完成句子
Genetic Engineering
Genetic Engineering 按組排序
Personal Qualities
Personal Qualities 匹配遊戲
Stakeholders 迷宮追逐
nervous system key words
nervous system key words 匹配遊戲
Themen - Deutsch GCSE
Themen - Deutsch GCSE 隨機輪盤
Food Of The Season
Food Of The Season 按組排序
Statement of Financial Position - Key Terms
Statement of Financial Position - Key Terms 匹配遊戲
Needs, Wants, Goods & Services
Needs, Wants, Goods & Services 按組排序
Market Research
Market Research 按組排序
N5 Marketing : Label the Product Life Cycle
N5 Marketing : Label the Product Life Cycle 標籤圖表
Sources of Finance
Sources of Finance 匹配遊戲
Marketing Quiz
Marketing Quiz 測驗
Noun Combinations Unit 4
Noun Combinations Unit 4 測驗
Advantages and Disadvantages of Sources of Finances (Quiz)
Advantages and Disadvantages of Sources of Finances (Quiz) 測驗
Breakeven Diagram Labelling
Breakeven Diagram Labelling 標籤圖表
Product Life Cycle
Product Life Cycle 完成句子
Positive/Negative Body Language
Positive/Negative Body Language 按組排序
Higher Spanish Directed Writing 4
Higher Spanish Directed Writing 4 匹配遊戲
Vacances de Béatrice
Vacances de Béatrice 完成句子
Conjunctions 打地鼠
el la los las ropa
el la los las ropa 測驗
Literary Devices
Literary Devices 查找匹配項
Aerobic vs Anaerobic respiration
Aerobic vs Anaerobic respiration 按組排序
Verbal and Non - Vebal Communication
Verbal and Non - Vebal Communication 按組排序
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