
Phonics Nursery


5,707個符合‘phonics nursery’的搜索結果

CVC word match - find the correct word for each picture
CVC word match - find the correct word for each picture 測驗
CVC Jumble - My letters are in a muddle. Can you put the letters in the correct order to make the word?
CVC Jumble - My letters are in a muddle. Can you put the letters in the correct order to make the word? 拼字遊戲
CVC rhyming family words ‘at’
CVC rhyming family words ‘at’ 打地鼠
CVC 1 Blending with phonemes s, m, a, c, t, p, g, o
CVC 1 Blending with phonemes s, m, a, c, t, p, g, o 隨機卡
CVC 2 Blending with phonemes r, l, d, b, f, h, i, u, a, s, t, m, p, g, o
CVC 2 Blending with phonemes r, l, d, b, f, h, i, u, a, s, t, m, p, g, o 隨機卡
subitising sunflower seeds
subitising sunflower seeds 隨機卡
Numicon Spinner
Numicon Spinner 隨機輪盤
Easter subitising
Easter subitising 隨機卡
Subitising gingerbread men (easier)
Subitising gingerbread men (easier) 隨機卡
Rhyming words
Rhyming words 查找匹配項
1.1 Blending with phonemes s, m, c, t, g, p, a, o
1.1 Blending with phonemes s, m, c, t, g, p, a, o 隨機卡
Subitising jelly beans
Subitising jelly beans 隨機卡
Up to 3 subitising game (instant recall of amounts)
Up to 3 subitising game (instant recall of amounts) 隨機卡
Farm animals- what sound do they start with?
Farm animals- what sound do they start with? 測驗
Match the CVC word to the picture
Match the CVC word to the picture 查找匹配項
Numbers 1-10
Numbers 1-10 隨機輪盤
christmas satpin
christmas satpin 匹配遊戲
Subistising dots, sunflowers and seeds
Subistising dots, sunflowers and seeds 隨機卡
Superworm 配對遊戲
apples, conkers and dots subitising to 3
apples, conkers and dots subitising to 3 隨機卡
Dots, fingers, 5 frames and Numicon (subitising 1-5)
Dots, fingers, 5 frames and Numicon (subitising 1-5) 隨機卡
Matching dotty gingerbread man
Matching dotty gingerbread man 配對遊戲
What can you see? 3 or not 3?
What can you see? 3 or not 3? 真假遊戲
 1-4 Snake biscuits subitising
1-4 Snake biscuits subitising 隨機卡
Christmas Matching pairs
Christmas Matching pairs 配對遊戲
Spring Subitising. What do you See?
Spring Subitising. What do you See? 隨機卡
oa    ow     o_e
oa ow o_e 按組排序
Phase 5 Tricky Words
Phase 5 Tricky Words 隨機卡
Tricky words
Tricky words 刺破氣球
Phase 3 Tricky Words
Phase 3 Tricky Words 隨機輪盤
Phase 2/3 Recap Game
Phase 2/3 Recap Game 隨機卡
Long or Short oo?
Long or Short oo? 按組排序
Phonics 'sh' words
Phonics 'sh' words 打地鼠
Phase 5 Mix up!
Phase 5 Mix up! 按組排序
'ur' sound
'ur' sound 打地鼠
oa     ow     o_e
oa ow o_e 拼字遊戲
long or short  oo ?
long or short oo ? 按組排序
Rhyming - Phonological Awareness
Rhyming - Phonological Awareness 按組排序
Stickman at the beach
Stickman at the beach 標籤圖表
Phase 2 graphemes
Phase 2 graphemes 隨機輪盤
Phase 3 sounds
Phase 3 sounds 隨機卡
Phase 3 HFW
Phase 3 HFW 隨機輪盤
Sorting the 'ou' sound
Sorting the 'ou' sound 按組排序
oa   (random cards)
oa (random cards) 隨機卡
Phase 2 Tricky Words
Phase 2 Tricky Words 隨機卡
ng matching pairs
ng matching pairs 配對遊戲
Animals match
Animals match 查找匹配項
00. magic e (u)
00. magic e (u) 拼字遊戲
'ng' phonics game
'ng' phonics game 打地鼠
Blends  Phase 4 and 5 Phonics Set 1
Blends Phase 4 and 5 Phonics Set 1 拼字遊戲
Phase 3 - Real and nonsense words
Phase 3 - Real and nonsense words 隨機卡
Phonics 匹配遊戲
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