
Reception Português


4,512個符合‘reception português’的搜索結果

Divisões da casa
Divisões da casa 隨機輪盤
Ligar (palavra-animais)
Ligar (palavra-animais) 標籤圖表
Rotina 隨機卡
 Associação partes do corpo
Associação partes do corpo 隨機輪盤
Song Generator
Song Generator 隨機輪盤
Phase 2: blending
Phase 2: blending 隨機卡
subitise! 隨機卡
I can read cvcc words
I can read cvcc words 匹配遊戲
What Numicon piece am I?
What Numicon piece am I? 查找匹配項
Writing CCVC words
Writing CCVC words 隨機輪盤
Tricky Words
Tricky Words 隨機輪盤
Subitising to 5
Subitising to 5 隨機卡
igh sound
igh sound 隨機輪盤
Growing 6,7 and 8 Matching Pairs
Growing 6,7 and 8 Matching Pairs 配對遊戲
Spring Subitising
Spring Subitising 隨機卡
CVC words
CVC words 開箱遊戲
Label the Pirate ship
Label the Pirate ship 標籤圖表
Hot or Cold?
Hot or Cold? 按組排序
 CVCC Words
CVCC Words 查找匹配項
Stickman at the beach
Stickman at the beach 標籤圖表
Maths word problems EYFS
Maths word problems EYFS 問答遊戲
'ur' sound
'ur' sound 打地鼠
Reading words with ch. sh. th.
Reading words with ch. sh. th. 迷宮追逐
Phase 3 phonics hangman
Phase 3 phonics hangman 猜字遊戲
Elmer and elephant snap
Elmer and elephant snap 配對遊戲
Matching Pairs CVC
Matching Pairs CVC 配對遊戲
Days of the week / Early Years / Young Learners / English
Days of the week / Early Years / Young Learners / English 隨機輪盤
Farm animals- what sound do they start with?
Farm animals- what sound do they start with? 測驗
word flip sh, ch and th
word flip sh, ch and th 翻轉卡片
The Gingerbread Man
The Gingerbread Man 測驗
counting in 2's
counting in 2's 隨機卡
Geiriau aml ddefnydd set a
Geiriau aml ddefnydd set a 配對遊戲
punctuation 測驗
sequencing 測驗
Whats Missing?
Whats Missing? 測驗
instrument wheel
instrument wheel 隨機輪盤
Under the Sea Rhyming Pairs
Under the Sea Rhyming Pairs 匹配遊戲
Matching pairs j v w x y z zz
Matching pairs j v w x y z zz 配對遊戲
Sorting 2D and 3D shapes
Sorting 2D and 3D shapes 按組排序
CVC I spy 1
CVC I spy 1 標籤圖表
Phonics quiz - j
Phonics quiz - j 測驗
Família P/I
Família P/I 開箱遊戲
S. Martinho
S. Martinho 搜字遊戲
ur, igh, ear, air, ure
ur, igh, ear, air, ure 按組排序
phase 3 digraphs
phase 3 digraphs 開箱遊戲
Partes da casa - o que fazer
Partes da casa - o que fazer 隨機輪盤
ur sound
ur sound 查找匹配項
Animals 填字遊戲
Number bonds to 5
Number bonds to 5 配對遊戲
Outono 測驗
A2.2 Preposições de movimento
A2.2 Preposições de movimento 完成句子
Tally Score Match Up
Tally Score Match Up 匹配遊戲
Sut wyt ti?
Sut wyt ti? 匹配遊戲
subitising sunflower seeds
subitising sunflower seeds 隨機卡
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