
A1 level


10,000+個符合‘a1 level’的搜索結果

These/Those [Oxford grammar for schools 1]
These/Those [Oxford grammar for schools 1] 標籤圖表
Guess the container
Guess the container 圖像測驗
This/these/that/those [Oxford grammar for schools 1]
This/these/that/those [Oxford grammar for schools 1] 標籤圖表
Countable/Uncountable nouns [Oxf grammar for schools 1]]
Countable/Uncountable nouns [Oxf grammar for schools 1]] 按組排序
Las frases con el verbo SER
Las frases con el verbo SER 測驗
Discover English 2 Unit 5 Revision
Discover English 2 Unit 5 Revision 搜字遊戲
Verb collocations (Flyers level)
Verb collocations (Flyers level) 配對遊戲
Sprachspiel A1
Sprachspiel A1 隨機輪盤
Les mois
Les mois 拼字遊戲
Les pronoms toniques
Les pronoms toniques 完成句子
A1+ unjumble_developing speaking
A1+ unjumble_developing speaking 句子排列
DE Zeit
DE Zeit 刺破氣球
warm up speaking a1 beginner
warm up speaking a1 beginner 隨機卡
L5 U6 L1 Warm up name 5
L5 U6 L1 Warm up name 5 隨機輪盤
Verb collocations (Flyers level)
Verb collocations (Flyers level) 配對遊戲
Mein Haus A1
Mein Haus A1 匹配遊戲
Numbers 1-12
Numbers 1-12 匹配遊戲
Gateway A1+ (unit1)
Gateway A1+ (unit1) 標籤圖表
GW A1+ unit 3 Vocabulary
GW A1+ unit 3 Vocabulary 拼字遊戲
GW A1+ Unit 1-3 unjumble
GW A1+ Unit 1-3 unjumble 句子排列
will vs going to - match the pictures [longman intermediate games]
will vs going to - match the pictures [longman intermediate games] 標籤圖表
Today! Level 2 2d vitamins and their benefits
Today! Level 2 2d vitamins and their benefits 按組排序
GW A1+ Starter Unit School subjects
GW A1+ Starter Unit School subjects 拼字遊戲
Colores A1
Colores A1 隨機輪盤
Focus Level 2 7.1 partitives
Focus Level 2 7.1 partitives 圖像測驗
Transactional dialogues A1-A2
Transactional dialogues A1-A2 翻轉卡片
GW A1+ U1 family
GW A1+ U1 family 匹配遊戲
Sports 按組排序
ML 2 Unit 3 Whose is this? Whose are these?
ML 2 Unit 3 Whose is this? Whose are these? 測驗
Gerund/Infinitive (Compact PET 2020)
Gerund/Infinitive (Compact PET 2020) 打地鼠
Prepare 4 unit 7 collocations
Prepare 4 unit 7 collocations 測驗
Animals (part 3)
Animals (part 3) 開箱遊戲
Prepare A2.1 Unit 4
Prepare A2.1 Unit 4 按組排序
Think Level 2 Unit 12 let/allowed to practice
Think Level 2 Unit 12 let/allowed to practice 匹配遊戲
Warming-up  Questions
Warming-up Questions 隨機輪盤
Pouvoir 句子排列
speakout pre int jobs photo bank
speakout pre int jobs photo bank 標籤圖表
ML 2 Where is the ... ?
ML 2 Where is the ... ? 測驗
The weather
The weather 搜字遊戲
Warm up questions A1+
Warm up questions A1+ 隨機卡
Modal verbs for obligation and permission (B1)
Modal verbs for obligation and permission (B1) 問答遊戲
Compare jobs [What would you rather be] Focus 2 Unit 6
Compare jobs [What would you rather be] Focus 2 Unit 6 隨機卡
Dependent Prepositions
Dependent Prepositions 問答遊戲
Think 3 Unit 5
Think 3 Unit 5 匹配遊戲
Gateway A1+ (unit 1)
Gateway A1+ (unit 1) 句子排列
gateway a1+
gateway a1+ 拼字遊戲
Prepare A1 level 1 - Unit 8 Words with two meanings (sentences)
Prepare A1 level 1 - Unit 8 Words with two meanings (sentences) 測驗
Möbel A1
Möbel A1 查找匹配項
A1. TO BE 測驗
Prepare A1 level 1 - Unit 0 The classroom
Prepare A1 level 1 - Unit 0 The classroom 匹配遊戲
Think 3 Unit 5 vocabulary 1
Think 3 Unit 5 vocabulary 1 匹配遊戲
Gateway A1+ unit 2 school days - posessive `s & have/has got
Gateway A1+ unit 2 school days - posessive `s & have/has got 隨機卡
Today! Level 2 Unit 1D
Today! Level 2 Unit 1D 標籤圖表
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