



NTE U3 Gr1
NTE U3 Gr1 隨機輪盤
NTE pre-int 7 lead-in
NTE pre-int 7 lead-in 隨機卡
Second Conditional (NTE Pre 12.1)
Second Conditional (NTE Pre 12.1) 開箱遊戲
Phrasal Verbs (NTE Inter Unit 1 Vocabulary)
Phrasal Verbs (NTE Inter Unit 1 Vocabulary) 匹配遊戲
Prepositions of Time + Questions (NTE Pre 8.2)
Prepositions of Time + Questions (NTE Pre 8.2) 按組排序
Ability, Past and Present (NTE Inter 7.3)
Ability, Past and Present (NTE Inter 7.3) 隨機輪盤
I wish... / If only... (NTE Int 10.1)
I wish... / If only... (NTE Int 10.1) 隨機卡
Family / Relationships (NTE Upper Unit 1)
Family / Relationships (NTE Upper Unit 1) 匹配遊戲
NTE. Upper-intermediate. Unit 4.1. Quiz
NTE. Upper-intermediate. Unit 4.1. Quiz 測驗
Modifying Comparatives (NTE Upper 2.3)
Modifying Comparatives (NTE Upper 2.3) 隨機卡
What do they have in common? (can - NTE Elem 3.2)
What do they have in common? (can - NTE Elem 3.2) 隨機卡
Present Perfect + Past Simple (NTE Pre 2.2)
Present Perfect + Past Simple (NTE Pre 2.2) 隨機卡
Feelings (NTE Upper 2.1 + Voc. in Use)
Feelings (NTE Upper 2.1 + Voc. in Use) 匹配遊戲
Relations (NTE Inter 1.1)
Relations (NTE Inter 1.1) 填字遊戲
Friendship - Phrasal Verbs (NTE Pre 5.2)
Friendship - Phrasal Verbs (NTE Pre 5.2) 匹配遊戲
Music (NTE Pre 2.1)
Music (NTE Pre 2.1) 匹配遊戲
Future Possibility (NTE Inter 3.3 Speaking)
Future Possibility (NTE Inter 3.3 Speaking) 開箱遊戲
Tag Questions [NTE Upper-Inter]
Tag Questions [NTE Upper-Inter] 匹配遊戲
Matchmaker (NTE Inter Communication 1)
Matchmaker (NTE Inter Communication 1) 翻轉卡片
Phrasal Verbs (NTE Int 10.3 ex. 3)
Phrasal Verbs (NTE Int 10.3 ex. 3) 匹配遊戲
Going out (NTE Pre 1.1 ex. 4)
Going out (NTE Pre 1.1 ex. 4) 按組排序
Answer the question (NTE Upper 1.1)
Answer the question (NTE Upper 1.1) 隨機輪盤
Likes and Dislikes (NTE Pre 1.1)
Likes and Dislikes (NTE Pre 1.1) 開箱遊戲
Auction Passive Voice  [Intermediate (NTE)]
Auction Passive Voice [Intermediate (NTE)] 開箱遊戲
Have you done that? Direct and indirect objects (NTE Pre 10.2)
Have you done that? Direct and indirect objects (NTE Pre 10.2) 隨機卡
Find the macth  furniture NTE
Find the macth furniture NTE 查找匹配項
Media Vocabulary (NTE Inter Unit 2)
Media Vocabulary (NTE Inter Unit 2) 開箱遊戲
NTE Intermediate Unit 5 (Go/Do/Play)
NTE Intermediate Unit 5 (Go/Do/Play) 按組排序
Would like / Like (NTE Elem 12.3)
Would like / Like (NTE Elem 12.3) 開箱遊戲
Describe the Country (NTE Elem 5.3; Modifiers)
Describe the Country (NTE Elem 5.3; Modifiers) 隨機卡
Holidays (NTE Int 6 Lead-in)
Holidays (NTE Int 6 Lead-in) 隨機卡
Present Simple - I / you (NTE Starter 5.1)
Present Simple - I / you (NTE Starter 5.1) 開箱遊戲
You’ll never guess what happened to me today! (Past Continuous, NTE Int 2.3)
You’ll never guess what happened to me today! (Past Continuous, NTE Int 2.3) 隨機卡
Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous (continue the situation) NTE Upper 3.1
Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous (continue the situation) NTE Upper 3.1 隨機卡
NTE PRE U2 Vocab revision
NTE PRE U2 Vocab revision 匹配遊戲
NTE - Upper
NTE - Upper 填字遊戲
NTE - Upper
NTE - Upper 填字遊戲
nte starter
nte starter 匹配遊戲
NTE Money
NTE Money 翻轉卡片
furniture NTE
furniture NTE 匹配遊戲
NTE u9
NTE u9 快閃記憶體卡
NTE Shakira
NTE Shakira 隨機卡
Wordsearch furniture NTE
Wordsearch furniture NTE 搜字遊戲
NTE upper 8
NTE upper 8 匹配遊戲
NTE Unit 12
NTE Unit 12 迷宮追逐
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