



1.1 Clumsy's song Put lines
1.1 Clumsy's song Put lines 排名順序
1.7 Hedgehog's song (put in the correct order)
1.7 Hedgehog's song (put in the correct order) 排名順序
1.9 Dreams dictation
1.9 Dreams dictation 匹配遊戲
1.7 Hedgehog's song new words
1.7 Hedgehog's song new words 匹配遊戲
🎄Christmas video The Story of Santa Claus
🎄Christmas video The Story of Santa Claus 問答遊戲
Clumsy 1.6 Worm's song
Clumsy 1.6 Worm's song 句子排列
I can read unit 13
I can read unit 13 測驗
Clumsy 1
Clumsy 1 匹配遊戲
Pronunciation Clumsy 1.5
Pronunciation Clumsy 1.5 隨機卡
1.7 Dictation spelling
1.7 Dictation spelling 真假遊戲
Quess the character Cl&Gr 1.1-1.5
Quess the character Cl&Gr 1.1-1.5 測驗
Clumsy part 1 dictation
Clumsy part 1 dictation 隨機卡
1.6 Worms' song
1.6 Worms' song 句子排列
1.2 Match parts of words
1.2 Match parts of words 匹配遊戲
1.4 A spooky story
1.4 A spooky story 圖像測驗
Exam 1.1-1.5
Exam 1.1-1.5 開箱遊戲
1.5 Squirrels
1.5 Squirrels 完成句子
1.10 Clumsy A night visit pictures
1.10 Clumsy A night visit pictures 快閃記憶體卡
Clumsy part 1 exam
Clumsy part 1 exam 開箱遊戲
1.2 In and by the river Jobs
1.2 In and by the river Jobs 翻轉卡片
1.8 At the bottom of the river words
1.8 At the bottom of the river words 開箱遊戲
Clumsy 1.2 dictation
Clumsy 1.2 dictation 測驗
2.3 Cooking an omelette
2.3 Cooking an omelette 匹配遊戲
1.8 Friends' song
1.8 Friends' song 完成句子
1.7 Hedgehog's song
1.7 Hedgehog's song 句子排列
1.1-1.8 Clumsy
1.1-1.8 Clumsy 匹配遊戲
1.8 Twister
1.8 Twister 匹配遊戲
1.1 In the meadow 1.2 In and by the river
1.1 In the meadow 1.2 In and by the river 按組排序
Clumsy 匹配遊戲
Clumsy 拼字遊戲
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