
Easy steps to chinese 1


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U3. Rev. Answer the questions in Chinese
U3. Rev. Answer the questions in Chinese 開箱遊戲
Вежливые слова Lesson 4-5
Вежливые слова Lesson 4-5 匹配遊戲
To be going to
To be going to 查找匹配項
To be going to
To be going to 句子排列
Family and friends unit 1, to be , grammar
Family and friends unit 1, to be , grammar 測驗
FF 3 Unit 1 Question to be
FF 3 Unit 1 Question to be 測驗
What's this? What are these? am/is/are
What's this? What are these? am/is/are 問答遊戲
 to be going to
to be going to 匹配遊戲
To be questions A2
To be questions A2 隨機輪盤
unit 8, little steps
unit 8, little steps 配對遊戲
 Be going to. Making predictions
Be going to. Making predictions 隨機卡
Be going to
Be going to 測驗
Going to
Going to 翻轉卡片
To be. Questions
To be. Questions 隨機卡
Ex. 2, p. 31
Ex. 2, p. 31 測驗
  Fly high 1 Lesson 1
Fly high 1 Lesson 1 配對遊戲
Past Simple: to be
Past Simple: to be 句子排列
 Fly high 1 Lesson 1
Fly high 1 Lesson 1 隨機卡
To be WW Starter
To be WW Starter 快閃記憶體卡
L.10 现在几点
L.10 现在几点 測驗
L11. 部件
L11. 部件 查找匹配項
L.10 现在几点
L.10 现在几点 查找匹配項
SB p. 84 回答问题
SB p. 84 回答问题 隨機輪盤
TT 1 U6 Food
TT 1 U6 Food 拼字遊戲
U3. Rev. Find the missing word to form the phrase
U3. Rev. Find the missing word to form the phrase 匹配遊戲
Text 2 日常起居 - 配对
Text 2 日常起居 - 配对 查找匹配項
L11. Words Conveyor
L11. Words Conveyor 觀看並記憶
L11. Words Text 2
L11. Words Text 2 開箱遊戲
L10 WB Ex20 Unscramble the sentence
L10 WB Ex20 Unscramble the sentence 拼字遊戲
Let's count  1 to 10
Let's count 1 to 10 測驗
Warm up Where are you from?
Warm up Where are you from? 開箱遊戲
Count to 10
Count to 10 標籤圖表
easy of IN ON AT
easy of IN ON AT 測驗
To be: negatives
To be: negatives 句子排列
 Beehive 1 Unit 1
Beehive 1 Unit 1 測驗
Verb To be. Affirmative sentences
Verb To be. Affirmative sentences 完成句子
Verb "To Be"
Verb "To Be" 完成句子
Used to
Used to 隨機輪盤
to be (questions)
to be (questions) 測驗
Have to Solutions Elementary
Have to Solutions Elementary 隨機卡
 To be questions and negatives
To be questions and negatives 開箱遊戲
Choose the verb to be (A1)
Choose the verb to be (A1) 測驗
 Verb to be speaking A1
Verb to be speaking A1 隨機輪盤
To be - questions
To be - questions 測驗
Present Perfect, Past Simple
Present Perfect, Past Simple 測驗
Must/mustn't, have to/don't have to, need/ needn't
Must/mustn't, have to/don't have to, need/ needn't 測驗
Speaking practice verb be
Speaking practice verb be 開箱遊戲
Have to / don't have to | speaking
Have to / don't have to | speaking 隨機卡
Make sentences with TO BE (AM, IS, ARE)
Make sentences with TO BE (AM, IS, ARE) 翻轉卡片
Academy stars 1. Unit 1. He's she's sentences
Academy stars 1. Unit 1. He's she's sentences 標籤圖表
Family and Friends 1 Unit 1 Lesson 1 What's this
Family and Friends 1 Unit 1 Lesson 1 What's this 拼字遊戲
Fly High 1. Lesson 8
Fly High 1. Lesson 8 配對遊戲
Quick Minds 1. Unit 4. Animals
Quick Minds 1. Unit 4. Animals 測驗
Fly High 1. Lesson 7
Fly High 1. Lesson 7 開箱遊戲
Go Getter (1) Voc Check 3.2 - in/on/under/next to/behind/in front of
Go Getter (1) Voc Check 3.2 - in/on/under/next to/behind/in front of 測驗
Team together 1 unit 1 toys
Team together 1 unit 1 toys 隨機輪盤
Happy birthday
Happy birthday 測驗
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