
العربية لغير الناطقين بها


401個符合‘العربية لغير الناطقين بها’的搜索結果

الحروف العربية
الحروف العربية 查找匹配項
Random Cards-مفردات وأسئلة عامة Common Quesions and Expressions
Random Cards-مفردات وأسئلة عامة Common Quesions and Expressions 隨機卡
أشكال الحروف العربية / القاعدة النورانية
أشكال الحروف العربية / القاعدة النورانية 查找匹配項
Hangman-You are doing / You do  ♂ أنتَ
Hangman-You are doing / You do ♂ أنتَ 猜字遊戲
Flip Tiles-He does/ is doing
Flip Tiles-He does/ is doing 翻轉卡片
Matching Pairs-She (does/is doing)
Matching Pairs-She (does/is doing) 配對遊戲
Flip Tiles-They both did (F)-Random Cards
Flip Tiles-They both did (F)-Random Cards 翻轉卡片
They both do/are doing (F)-Random Cards
They both do/are doing (F)-Random Cards 隨機卡
Match Up-She (does/is doing)
Match Up-She (does/is doing) 匹配遊戲
Find the match-She (does/is doing)
Find the match-She (does/is doing) 查找匹配項
Quiz-Subject pronoun-First Person Singular (I) with verbs
Quiz-Subject pronoun-First Person Singular (I) with verbs 測驗
They- 3rd Person Plural Pronoun-(M/Mixed) with verbs هُمْ Speed Quiz
They- 3rd Person Plural Pronoun-(M/Mixed) with verbs هُمْ Speed Quiz 飛果
Hangman-Subject pronoun-First Person Singular (I) with verbs
Hangman-Subject pronoun-First Person Singular (I) with verbs 猜字遊戲
Third Person Pronouns-Random Cards
Third Person Pronouns-Random Cards 隨機卡
Speed Quiz-Subject pronoun-First Person Singular (I) with verbs
Speed Quiz-Subject pronoun-First Person Singular (I) with verbs 飛果
الضمائر المنفصلة Detached Subject Pronouns in Arabic
الضمائر المنفصلة Detached Subject Pronouns in Arabic 隨機卡
Subject pronoun-First Person Singular (I) with verbs
Subject pronoun-First Person Singular (I) with verbs 隨機卡
They do/are doing. ♀♀♀ (F)
They do/are doing. ♀♀♀ (F) 隨機卡
Quiz-The Train of the Abjadiya
Quiz-The Train of the Abjadiya 測驗
Third Person Pronouns/The Absent Pronouns-Match up
Third Person Pronouns/The Absent Pronouns-Match up 匹配遊戲
They- 3rd Person Plural Pronoun-(M/Mixed) with verbs هُمْ
They- 3rd Person Plural Pronoun-(M/Mixed) with verbs هُمْ 隨機卡
I am doing / I do أنا
I am doing / I do أنا 猜字遊戲
First Person Plural Pronoun (We)- with verbs نحن
First Person Plural Pronoun (We)- with verbs نحن 隨機卡
Hangman- You are doing / you do ♀ أنتِ
Hangman- You are doing / you do ♀ أنتِ 猜字遊戲
Hangman- You are all doing/ do  أنتُم
Hangman- You are all doing/ do أنتُم 猜字遊戲
Hangman- We are doing/ do Male/Mixed نحن
Hangman- We are doing/ do Male/Mixed نحن 猜字遊戲
Hangman- You'er both doing/ do ♂/♀ أنتُما
Hangman- You'er both doing/ do ♂/♀ أنتُما 猜字遊戲
Hangman- You're doing/do -Female -You all ♀  أنْتُنَّ
Hangman- You're doing/do -Female -You all ♀ أنْتُنَّ 猜字遊戲
Doubling الشدة
Doubling الشدة 隨機卡
He does/ is doing
He does/ is doing 隨機卡
Third Person Pronouns/The Absent Pronouns
Third Person Pronouns/The Absent Pronouns 匹配遊戲
Group Sort-ٍ Subject Pronouns in Arabic
Group Sort-ٍ Subject Pronouns in Arabic 按組排序
Hangman-Without Tashkeel-Third Person Pronouns/The Absent Pronouns-Random Cards
Hangman-Without Tashkeel-Third Person Pronouns/The Absent Pronouns-Random Cards 猜字遊戲
Matching Pairs-First Person Plural Pronoun (We)- with verbs نحن
Matching Pairs-First Person Plural Pronoun (We)- with verbs نحن 配對遊戲
6b masculine and feminine classify
6b masculine and feminine classify 按組排序
أشكال الحروف Forms of the letters
أشكال الحروف Forms of the letters 測驗
Initial, medial, and final positions & Sounds of the Arabic alphabets-Open Box
Initial, medial, and final positions & Sounds of the Arabic alphabets-Open Box 開箱遊戲
العمل / العربية بين يديك
العمل / العربية بين يديك 快閃記憶體卡
أشكال الحروف العربية مع الحركات / التشكيل
أشكال الحروف العربية مع الحركات / التشكيل 配對遊戲
4c numbers 1-10 match word and number
4c numbers 1-10 match word and number 匹配遊戲
2d jobs extended pic match
2d jobs extended pic match 測驗
2h Present with I he match words
2h Present with I he match words 按組排序
9a restaurant match pic word
9a restaurant match pic word 匹配遊戲
4a Yaa Milkiyya hit moles
4a Yaa Milkiyya hit moles 打地鼠
Subject Pronouns-Crossword
Subject Pronouns-Crossword 猜字遊戲
-Flip TilesNo Tashkeel-They both do/are doing (M/Mixed)-Random Cards
-Flip TilesNo Tashkeel-They both do/are doing (M/Mixed)-Random Cards 翻轉卡片
الولد الطيب
الولد الطيب 搜字遊戲
مساعدة الأمّ
مساعدة الأمّ 快閃記憶體卡
علي بابا و اللصوص
علي بابا و اللصوص 匹配遊戲
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