
2nd Grade Grammar Suffixes


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Suffixes -ful and -less
Suffixes -ful and -less 迷宮追逐
Verb to be present tense: is, am, are
Verb to be present tense: is, am, are 完成句子
Verb to be present, past, future tense mixed
Verb to be present, past, future tense mixed 完成句子
Past Tense Irregular Verbs
Past Tense Irregular Verbs 完成句子
Past Tense Regular Verbs
Past Tense Regular Verbs 完成句子
Present Progressive Verbs: is, are, am + ing
Present Progressive Verbs: is, are, am + ing 完成句子
Verb to be past tense: was, were
Verb to be past tense: was, were 完成句子
Present Tense Verb Sentences
Present Tense Verb Sentences 完成句子
Future Tense Verbs
Future Tense Verbs 完成句子
Sorting Nouns and Verbs
Sorting Nouns and Verbs 按組排序
Suffixes 匹配遊戲
Suffixes 打地鼠
Fall Actions
Fall Actions 開箱遊戲
Suffix -al Words and Meanings
Suffix -al Words and Meanings 查找匹配項
Noun or Adjective?
Noun or Adjective? 按組排序
Verbs and Nouns
Verbs and Nouns 按組排序
cial, tial, sion, tion words
cial, tial, sion, tion words 按組排序
Vowel and Consonant Suffixes
Vowel and Consonant Suffixes 按組排序
Meanings: Prefixes and Suffixes
Meanings: Prefixes and Suffixes 迷宮追逐
ly and y
ly and y 按組排序
Pronoun Whack-a-Mole
Pronoun Whack-a-Mole 打地鼠
cial or tial words
cial or tial words 真假遊戲
Suffixes 配對遊戲
ful, less, ness
ful, less, ness 按組排序
-ous words
-ous words 打地鼠
Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns Cloze
Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns Cloze 完成句子
Reflexive Pronouns Cloze
Reflexive Pronouns Cloze 完成句子
Subject Pronouns Cloze
Subject Pronouns Cloze 完成句子
Object Pronouns Cloze
Object Pronouns Cloze 完成句子
Regular Past Tense Sentences
Regular Past Tense Sentences 句子排列
Plural Words Sort - es, s, irregular words
Plural Words Sort - es, s, irregular words 按組排序
Collective Noun
Collective Noun 完成句子
Verbs 問答遊戲
Verbs 隨機輪盤
Family and Friends 1 (2nd ed) (Unit 1)
Family and Friends 1 (2nd ed) (Unit 1) 拼字遊戲
Wonders Grade 2 Vocabulary U3W1/2
Wonders Grade 2 Vocabulary U3W1/2 匹配遊戲
Puddles Suffixes -less
Puddles Suffixes -less 迷宮追逐
Adding Suffixes - All Rules - Part 1
Adding Suffixes - All Rules - Part 1 問答遊戲
First Grade Sight Words
First Grade Sight Words 隨機卡
Adding  suffixes!
Adding suffixes! 問答遊戲
Homophones 匹配遊戲
Sight Word Practice: Grade 2
Sight Word Practice: Grade 2 開箱遊戲
Root word ped
Root word ped 填字遊戲
Suffixes: -less and -ful
Suffixes: -less and -ful 問答遊戲
Suffixes -y, -ly, -ful
Suffixes -y, -ly, -ful 按組排序
Unit 4, Week 1, Suffixes
Unit 4, Week 1, Suffixes 刺破氣球
Digraph Game - th, ch, & sh
Digraph Game - th, ch, & sh 問答遊戲
2nd Grade - tion
2nd Grade - tion 開箱遊戲
 -oy  -oi
-oy -oi 匹配遊戲
Summer Missing Word
Summer Missing Word 完成句子
Place Value
Place Value 匹配遊戲
r-controlled ar or
r-controlled ar or 填字遊戲
Spelling oi & oy words
Spelling oi & oy words 完成句子
Long e (ee, ea, y, ey, ie)
Long e (ee, ea, y, ey, ie) 按組排序
 Middle Sounds
Middle Sounds 測驗
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