
3rd Grade Spelling Ckla unit 6 les 1 spelling


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Unit 2 Review (Classification of Animals)
Unit 2 Review (Classification of Animals) 問答遊戲
CKLA Unit 2 Vocab.
CKLA Unit 2 Vocab. 匹配遊戲
Which? -ck or -k??
Which? -ck or -k?? 測驗
Unit 4 Spelling words /ee/
Unit 4 Spelling words /ee/ 按組排序
Vocabulary Games for Lesson 5 and 6 unit 9 grade 3 ckla
Vocabulary Games for Lesson 5 and 6 unit 9 grade 3 ckla 匹配遊戲
Spelling Scramble #1 Short Vowels
Spelling Scramble #1 Short Vowels 拼字遊戲
/oi/ spellings: oi and oy
/oi/ spellings: oi and oy 問答遊戲
Wonders Grade 2 Unit 5 Week 1
Wonders Grade 2 Unit 5 Week 1 按組排序
2 sounds of 'ear'
2 sounds of 'ear' 按組排序
OO Spelling
OO Spelling 猜字遊戲
Plural endings quiz -s, -es, -ies
Plural endings quiz -s, -es, -ies 測驗
Two sounds of oo sort
Two sounds of oo sort 按組排序
Long e spellings
Long e spellings 拼字遊戲
Greek Root Words
Greek Root Words 隨機輪盤
Possessive S
Possessive S 問答遊戲
Long E sound
Long E sound 打地鼠
3rd - U:1 W:5 - Long O spellings
3rd - U:1 W:5 - Long O spellings 按組排序
11/18 Unit 4 List 1 spelling
11/18 Unit 4 List 1 spelling 按組排序
Final Blends (Ending t Blends) - Find the Match
Final Blends (Ending t Blends) - Find the Match 查找匹配項
Words with ea
Words with ea 打地鼠
10.7.19 Word Wall Words
10.7.19 Word Wall Words 開箱遊戲
ai/ay Vowel Digraphs
ai/ay Vowel Digraphs 刺破氣球
Words with ee
Words with ee 打地鼠
ai words
ai words 測驗
CVC Short Vowel Game
CVC Short Vowel Game 開箱遊戲
Cry Baby- 2 sounds of final Y
Cry Baby- 2 sounds of final Y 按組排序
Words with ck
Words with ck 打地鼠
adding -ing
adding -ing 按組排序
Doubling Rule
Doubling Rule 測驗
Homophones 問答遊戲
Spelling - Compound Words
Spelling - Compound Words 問答遊戲
7.2 Spelling  -nce
7.2 Spelling -nce 測驗
Milk Truck Gameshow
Milk Truck Gameshow 問答遊戲
Fruit Crossword
Fruit Crossword 填字遊戲
9.2 e, ee, ey, y, e_e sort
9.2 e, ee, ey, y, e_e sort 按組排序
consonant clusters
consonant clusters 問答遊戲
6.1 multi-syllable unjumble
6.1 multi-syllable unjumble 句子排列
1.6 Add suffix -s or -es
1.6 Add suffix -s or -es 按組排序
-CE or -SE?
-CE or -SE? 按組排序
7.2 dge with picture clues
7.2 dge with picture clues 猜字遊戲
ph or f / ff ?
ph or f / ff ? 按組排序
3.1 and 3.2 k, c, ck Hangman
3.1 and 3.2 k, c, ck Hangman 猜字遊戲
Book 3 Rules Sorting Game
Book 3 Rules Sorting Game 按組排序
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