
Amazing and frendly


10,000+個符合‘amazing and frendly’的搜索結果

Weather and Climate
Weather and Climate 匹配遊戲
Over and Under
Over and Under 按組排序
Revising and Editing Practice
Revising and Editing Practice 問答遊戲
Verbs with SONIC and PIKACHU!
Verbs with SONIC and PIKACHU! 隨機卡
ow and ou brain stretcher sentence game
ow and ou brain stretcher sentence game 隨機輪盤
Barton 3.4 BOOM  real and nonsense
Barton 3.4 BOOM real and nonsense 隨機卡
EET circles and what they mean
EET circles and what they mean 匹配遊戲
/AR/ and /OR/
/AR/ and /OR/ 隨機輪盤
SL - blends WORDS and final ts
SL - blends WORDS and final ts 翻轉卡片
Match it - ER AIR and IRE
Match it - ER AIR and IRE 按組排序
Vowel + /r/ sounds in air and ear ( in sentences)
Vowel + /r/ sounds in air and ear ( in sentences) 隨機卡
Fall L and R Words
Fall L and R Words 隨機輪盤
I spy numbers 1-100 in English
I spy numbers 1-100 in English 標籤圖表
soft/hard c and g
soft/hard c and g 測驗
Wilson 1.3 read and define
Wilson 1.3 read and define 測驗
Barton 6.14 IN or IM
Barton 6.14 IN or IM 按組排序
Barton 7.3 -ance or -ence
Barton 7.3 -ance or -ence 測驗
Fluency Strategies
Fluency Strategies 匹配遊戲
Initial S
Initial S 開箱遊戲
G sound initial-set  1
G sound initial-set 1 配對遊戲
Open & Closed Syllables
Open & Closed Syllables 開箱遊戲
3.6 choose the spelling for the /k/ sound
3.6 choose the spelling for the /k/ sound 問答遊戲
3.7 Choose the correct spelling rule
3.7 Choose the correct spelling rule 測驗
Rabbits vs Hares
Rabbits vs Hares 按組排序
Kitchen Tools
Kitchen Tools 匹配遊戲
Balloon Pop Initial L Words
Balloon Pop Initial L Words 刺破氣球
Open, Closed & Magic-e Syllables
Open, Closed & Magic-e Syllables 按組排序
Singular and plural
Singular and plural 測驗
Initial S WORDS and final ts
Initial S WORDS and final ts 翻轉卡片
 3.9 /ch/ at the end rhyming matchup
3.9 /ch/ at the end rhyming matchup 匹配遊戲
Barton 3.10 Weirdo Contractions
Barton 3.10 Weirdo Contractions 隨機輪盤
4th Grade Vocabulary
4th Grade Vocabulary 匹配遊戲
Sh Initial
Sh Initial 開箱遊戲
Barton 9.7 Match Up
Barton 9.7 Match Up 配對遊戲
ai/ay 1 syllable words
ai/ay 1 syllable words 打地鼠
Who Questions
Who Questions 匹配遊戲
"Where" questions- prepositions
"Where" questions- prepositions 測驗
Barton 6-12 matching c-le
Barton 6-12 matching c-le 配對遊戲
7.1-7.2  AR, OR, IR, ER, UR   "SLIME"
7.1-7.2 AR, OR, IR, ER, UR "SLIME" 隨機卡
Food Label Game
Food Label Game 問答遊戲
action verbs
action verbs 查找匹配項
R sound initial matching
R sound initial matching 配對遊戲
Perspective taking shoes
Perspective taking shoes 開箱遊戲
Barton 3.8 Units
Barton 3.8 Units 配對遊戲
quiz 標籤圖表
Thinking Skills
Thinking Skills 隨機卡
Weather and Climate Vocabulary
Weather and Climate Vocabulary 匹配遊戲
sorting colors
sorting colors 按組排序
1 more, 1 less
1 more, 1 less 隨機輪盤
ST words
ST words 隨機輪盤
Speech & Language: Describing common events
Speech & Language: Describing common events 隨機卡
Subject and Predicate Sort
Subject and Predicate Sort 按組排序
Open & Closed Syllables
Open & Closed Syllables 真假遊戲
Predicting- What happens next?
Predicting- What happens next? 隨機卡
Barton Level 2.1 a,b,f,m,p,s,t
Barton Level 2.1 a,b,f,m,p,s,t 隨機輪盤
Pokemon Prepositions
Pokemon Prepositions 配對遊戲
Who Questions- set 2
Who Questions- set 2 測驗
Where Questions
Where Questions 問答遊戲
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