



 suffix  ate
suffix ate 按組排序
ite/ate 配對遊戲
ATE 查找匹配項
-ate/-ite memory
-ate/-ite memory 配對遊戲
10.1 What says ite/ate/ine? Wilson 10.1
10.1 What says ite/ate/ine? Wilson 10.1 問答遊戲
ate ite ine Wilson 10.1
ate ite ine Wilson 10.1 隨機輪盤
6.11 ITE and ATE Units
6.11 ITE and ATE Units 配對遊戲
6.11 ITE and ATE Units
6.11 ITE and ATE Units 隨機卡
Ate 迷宮追逐
-ate 搜字遊戲
ate 配對遊戲
ate 刺破氣球
-ate Group Sort
-ate Group Sort 按組排序
ate words
ate words 開箱遊戲
 I ate
I ate 開箱遊戲
-ate Suffix
-ate Suffix 問答遊戲
-ate words
-ate words 開箱遊戲
-ate flashcards
-ate flashcards 快閃記憶體卡
-ate words
-ate words 打地鼠
Suffix: -ate
Suffix: -ate 打地鼠
-ite pronounciation /īt/ or /ət/
-ite pronounciation /īt/ or /ət/ 刺破氣球
conveyor belt memory -ate, -ite
conveyor belt memory -ate, -ite 觀看並記憶
-ate pronounciation /āt/ or /ət/
-ate pronounciation /āt/ or /ət/ 刺破氣球
Ate Words Word Search
Ate Words Word Search 搜字遊戲
ate or ut?
ate or ut? 問答遊戲
I ate your grandma
I ate your grandma 問答遊戲
Suffix -ate (verb)
Suffix -ate (verb) 查找匹配項
Ate Words Spelling
Ate Words Spelling 拼字遊戲
What did he ate?
What did he ate? 匹配遊戲
ake, ape, ate
ake, ape, ate 按組排序
ate word wheel
ate word wheel 隨機輪盤
Week #25, -ate words
Week #25, -ate words 匹配遊戲
VCe Fluency (ate ... time)
VCe Fluency (ate ... time) 快閃記憶體卡
-ATE/-ALE Memory
-ATE/-ALE Memory 配對遊戲
/ate/ or /it/?
/ate/ or /it/? 問答遊戲
at and ate
at and ate 按組排序
Ate Words Memory Pairs
Ate Words Memory Pairs 配對遊戲
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