



Times of day / time
Times of day / time 按組排序
Time 刺破氣球
Pronouns and possessive adjectives
Pronouns and possessive adjectives 按組排序
Going to - Questions
Going to - Questions 隨機輪盤
Going to
Going to 猜字遊戲
Present Continuous (T/F) (new)
Present Continuous (T/F) (new) 真假遊戲
Going to questions
Going to questions 句子排列
Exercising 真假遊戲
Questions with was/were
Questions with was/were 隨機輪盤
Wh questions - past of be
Wh questions - past of be 打地鼠
Let's get to know each other!
Let's get to know each other! 隨機輪盤
Wh questions - Simple present
Wh questions - Simple present 句子排列
Wh - questions
Wh - questions 查找匹配項
Grammar Review Midterm - 2A
Grammar Review Midterm - 2A 開箱遊戲
Past simple x Present Perfect
Past simple x Present Perfect 測驗
False Friends
False Friends 真假遊戲
Present Continuous - Questions (new)
Present Continuous - Questions (new) 測驗
Simple present questions with I/we/you
Simple present questions with I/we/you 隨機輪盤
My home
My home 搜字遊戲
Spelling names
Spelling names 隨機卡
Sports Vocabulary
Sports Vocabulary 填字遊戲
Simple present
Simple present 猜字遊戲
Musical terms for beginners -1
Musical terms for beginners -1 匹配遊戲
Grammar Review G&W 2A
Grammar Review G&W 2A 完成句子
Using Technology
Using Technology 查找匹配項
Tell me about your name
Tell me about your name 開箱遊戲
Essay writing for beginners
Essay writing for beginners 匹配遊戲
Furniture Wordsearch
Furniture Wordsearch 搜字遊戲
Expressions with Do, have, and make.
Expressions with Do, have, and make. 開箱遊戲
Quiz - Clothing
Quiz - Clothing 測驗
Basic Greeting in Cantonese
Basic Greeting in Cantonese 匹配遊戲
Tagesablauf 句子排列
Can you questions
Can you questions 隨機卡
Reading comprehension beginners
Reading comprehension beginners 問答遊戲
False Friends
False Friends 隨機輪盤
Easy text - Beginner
Easy text - Beginner 完成句子
What's in your bag?
What's in your bag? 搜字遊戲
What X Who (questions)
What X Who (questions) 測驗
Foods and drinks
Foods and drinks 填字遊戲
Prepositions of place (new)
Prepositions of place (new) 測驗
Unscrumble 句子排列
Beginners 測驗
Beginners 隨機輪盤
Irregular Verbs 1 - 24
Irregular Verbs 1 - 24 測驗
What's the matter?
What's the matter? 真假遊戲
Be supposed to / be not supposed to
Be supposed to / be not supposed to 句子排列
Clothes 測驗
Vocabulary review - Final Exam
Vocabulary review - Final Exam 按組排序
Chapter 6 - Traitors
Chapter 6 - Traitors 測驗
Culture  English in Mind Started
Culture English in Mind Started 匹配遊戲
1.1. Put in the correct order
1.1. Put in the correct order 句子排列
Chapter 7 - Vocabulary
Chapter 7 - Vocabulary 猜字遊戲
Spelling Homework
Spelling Homework 拼字遊戲
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