
English language arts Short a


10,000+個符合‘ela short a’的搜索結果

Rhyming Words short a
Rhyming Words short a 測驗
Short Vowel a and i Words for Fluency Practice
Short Vowel a and i Words for Fluency Practice 查找匹配項
Beginning Sounds- Find the Short "a" Sounds (Phonemic Awareness)
Beginning Sounds- Find the Short "a" Sounds (Phonemic Awareness) 打地鼠
Match Pictures with the Same Beginning Short Vowel Sounds (Phonemic Awareness)
Match Pictures with the Same Beginning Short Vowel Sounds (Phonemic Awareness) 配對遊戲
Short a, i, o matching
Short a, i, o matching 配對遊戲
Short "oo" Whack-a-Mole
Short "oo" Whack-a-Mole 打地鼠
short /o/ cvc wds
short /o/ cvc wds 拼字遊戲
Short a Whack-a-Mole
Short a Whack-a-Mole 打地鼠
Short a
Short a 打地鼠
short /i/
short /i/ 刺破氣球
short /o/
short /o/ 拼字遊戲
short /o/
short /o/ 匹配遊戲
Short a or Short i?
Short a or Short i? 按組排序
short /i/
short /i/ 問答遊戲
Short Vowels a, i, o ,u
Short Vowels a, i, o ,u 測驗
Short a short i
Short a short i 按組排序
a, o, i phrases
a, o, i phrases 查找匹配項
CVC (short a) Words
CVC (short a) Words 隨機輪盤
Final Blends Balloon Pop
Final Blends Balloon Pop 刺破氣球
ff, ll, ss best friends at the end balloon pop
ff, ll, ss best friends at the end balloon pop 刺破氣球
Short a or Long a
Short a or Long a 按組排序
Short A
Short A 隨機輪盤
Short a
Short a 匹配遊戲
Short A
Short A 按組排序
short /a/ cvc words
short /a/ cvc words 隨機卡
Short a-- CVC Words
Short a-- CVC Words 拼字遊戲
short a
short a 隨機輪盤
CVC Short /a/ Words
CVC Short /a/ Words 查找匹配項
Short a Quiz
Short a Quiz 測驗
Short A Phonemic Awareness
Short A Phonemic Awareness 查找匹配項
Unscramble these words with blends
Unscramble these words with blends 拼字遊戲
 OOPS game with digraphs and blends
OOPS game with digraphs and blends 隨機卡
Short or Long? Use the correct vowel sound!
Short or Long? Use the correct vowel sound! 真假遊戲
Copy of CVC Sentences
Copy of CVC Sentences 測驗
Short Vowel A - CVC Match
Short Vowel A - CVC Match 匹配遊戲
an/am 測驗
CVC & HFW cumulative review
CVC & HFW cumulative review 隨機輪盤
Short a Whack a Mole
Short a Whack a Mole 打地鼠
Short a or short i?
Short a or short i? 問答遊戲
Short a and short i
Short a and short i 隨機卡
Short O/Short A Sort
Short O/Short A Sort 按組排序
Short a and short i
Short a and short i 按組排序
Short-A or Short-E?
Short-A or Short-E? 匹配遊戲
Short or Long Vowel? (closed or v-e?)
Short or Long Vowel? (closed or v-e?) 真假遊戲
CVC sentences mystery game
CVC sentences mystery game 查找匹配項
Short a and e Sort
Short a and e Sort 按組排序
Short A Words
Short A Words 打地鼠
Short i Whack A Mole
Short i Whack A Mole 打地鼠
A / AN
A / AN 按組排序
Sequencing - Steps to Wash Dishes
Sequencing - Steps to Wash Dishes 排名順序
Drawing Conclusion 1
Drawing Conclusion 1 問答遊戲
Vowel Men
Vowel Men 按組排序
Text Features
Text Features 迷宮追逐
Character and Setting 2
Character and Setting 2 按組排序
Short 'a' CVC Words
Short 'a' CVC Words 匹配遊戲
long and short A
long and short A 按組排序
CVC short a sounds
CVC short a sounds 匹配遊戲
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