
Kindergarten Zhùyīn fúhào


10,000+個符合‘kindergarten zhùyīn fúhào’的搜索結果

複習L7 學華語開步走注音
複習L7 學華語開步走注音 配對遊戲
學華語開步走L5 ㄧㄢ ㄨㄢ
學華語開步走L5 ㄧㄢ ㄨㄢ 測驗
學華語開步走 L7 - ㄤ  ㄧㄤ
學華語開步走 L7 - ㄤ ㄧㄤ 測驗
學華語開步走 L6 - ㄧㄣ ㄨㄣ
學華語開步走 L6 - ㄧㄣ ㄨㄣ 測驗
學華語開步走(注音Zhuyin)L7 - ㄨㄤ
學華語開步走(注音Zhuyin)L7 - ㄨㄤ 測驗
複習L6 學華語開步走注音
複習L6 學華語開步走注音 觀看並記憶
秋季期末考 注音 學華語開步走
秋季期末考 注音 學華語開步走 測驗
學華語開步走 L6 - ㄣ
學華語開步走 L6 - ㄣ 測驗
L9 學華語開步走ㄅㄆㄇㄈ
L9 學華語開步走ㄅㄆㄇㄈ 觀看並記憶
生活華語L.1~12 觀看並記憶
Fundations Unit 1 Week 3-Kindergarten
Fundations Unit 1 Week 3-Kindergarten 開箱遊戲
Counting 查找匹配項
Seasons of the year
Seasons of the year 標籤圖表
Counting objects 1 - 10
Counting objects 1 - 10 匹配遊戲
Kindergarten Sight Words
Kindergarten Sight Words 配對遊戲
Order missing number yellow.2
Order missing number yellow.2 測驗
Kindergarten sight words
Kindergarten sight words 隨機輪盤
Ending Sounds
Ending Sounds 查找匹配項
Teen Numbers
Teen Numbers 匹配遊戲
Pinyin bpmf
Pinyin bpmf 隨機卡
Valentine CVC search
Valentine CVC search 翻轉卡片
Story Elements Sort
Story Elements Sort 按組排序
Blending 隨機輪盤
Lable the Elf on the Shelf
Lable the Elf on the Shelf 標籤圖表
Successive Blending: short a (Do not shuffle)
Successive Blending: short a (Do not shuffle) 隨機卡
How many Syllables
How many Syllables 測驗
Sight Word Wheel
Sight Word Wheel 隨機輪盤
Letters Aa - Ee/Words
Letters Aa - Ee/Words 匹配遊戲
Bitmoji Teachers 1:  cvc & words with digraphs Unit 4
Bitmoji Teachers 1: cvc & words with digraphs Unit 4 查找匹配項
2D shapes
2D shapes 迷宮追逐
Sentences Unit 5.1:  Dog, Cat & Pig
Sentences Unit 5.1: Dog, Cat & Pig 查找匹配項
Ending Sound (**__)
Ending Sound (**__) 開箱遊戲
R sound initial matching
R sound initial matching 配對遊戲
-ub Word Family
-ub Word Family 隨機輪盤
letter sounds r or not?
letter sounds r or not? 按組排序
Common Objects
Common Objects 隨機輪盤
N and M
N and M 按組排序
Kindergarten Sight Words
Kindergarten Sight Words 開箱遊戲
Phonics Hunk & Chunk
Phonics Hunk & Chunk 查找匹配項
Inferences/Problem Solving deck 3
Inferences/Problem Solving deck 3 隨機卡
Number and Number Words
Number and Number Words 刺破氣球
One more than a number
One more than a number 測驗
Kindergarten digraph quiz
Kindergarten digraph quiz 測驗
衣服 圖像測驗
Letter M
Letter M 真假遊戲
Capital Letters
Capital Letters 打地鼠
Numbers 1 to 10
Numbers 1 to 10 配對遊戲
Upper and Lowercase Matching A-H
Upper and Lowercase Matching A-H 配對遊戲
Rhyming Pairs
Rhyming Pairs 測驗
Number Recognition 0 to 20
Number Recognition 0 to 20 測驗
Who Questions
Who Questions 測驗
ABC 測驗
Sound Cards
Sound Cards 隨機卡
short E
short E 隨機輪盤
Family of Prophet Muhammad (S)
Family of Prophet Muhammad (S) 飛機遊戲
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