
Long u


10,000+個符合‘long u’的搜索結果

Bossy r /ar/
Bossy r /ar/ 打地鼠
Long U
Long U 按組排序
bossy r - ar game
bossy r - ar game 配對遊戲
ew, oo
ew, oo 拼字遊戲
2 syllable words w/ open and closed syllables
2 syllable words w/ open and closed syllables 匹配遊戲
Long u with magic e
Long u with magic e 打地鼠
Long u
Long u 打地鼠
Short U/Long U
Short U/Long U 按組排序
Short U/Long U
Short U/Long U 按組排序
Short u vs. Long u
Short u vs. Long u 按組排序
Short u vs. Long u
Short u vs. Long u 按組排序
Long A - Ai / Ay
Long A - Ai / Ay 按組排序
Game Long O    words
Game Long O words 按組排序
Long and Short u
Long and Short u 按組排序
Long U (Magic E) Match-Up
Long U (Magic E) Match-Up 匹配遊戲
Wack a Long U
Wack a Long U 打地鼠
Andrew's Long o Spellings
Andrew's Long o Spellings 拼字遊戲
Long U--U-E
Long U--U-E 打地鼠
F - Sort 5 long u/short u
F - Sort 5 long u/short u 按組排序
Short u / long u Sort (Wilson 4.1)
Short u / long u Sort (Wilson 4.1) 按組排序
Which one doesn't belong? (words with long a)
Which one doesn't belong? (words with long a) 問答遊戲
Short or Long Vowel? (closed or v-e?)
Short or Long Vowel? (closed or v-e?) 真假遊戲
Short or Long? Use the correct vowel sound!
Short or Long? Use the correct vowel sound! 真假遊戲
matching words and pictures
matching words and pictures 配對遊戲
Reading Comprehension Sentences
Reading Comprehension Sentences 問答遊戲
Long U Silent E
Long U Silent E 拼字遊戲
Long or Short U
Long or Short U 迷宮追逐
Long U Sounds
Long U Sounds 按組排序
Long U UFLI 58
Long U UFLI 58 按組排序
Long U/Magic E cloze passage (Dude)
Long U/Magic E cloze passage (Dude) 完成句子
Long U Vowel Teams:  ue, ui, ew
Long U Vowel Teams: ue, ui, ew 問答遊戲
Long U/Magic E Cloze Passage (mule)
Long U/Magic E Cloze Passage (mule) 完成句子
Long U: ui, ew, oo, ue
Long U: ui, ew, oo, ue 查找匹配項
Andrew's Long O practice
Andrew's Long O practice 刺破氣球
long a and long e vowel team review (ai, ay, ee, ea)
long a and long e vowel team review (ai, ay, ee, ea) 完成句子
Spell-in-the-blank: long u
Spell-in-the-blank: long u 測驗
Closed or V-E?  Balloon Pop.  Read out loud!
Closed or V-E? Balloon Pop. Read out loud! 刺破氣球
Long o Spellings for Andrew
Long o Spellings for Andrew 拼字遊戲
spelling long vowel sounds
spelling long vowel sounds 拼字遊戲
Long o_OA
Long o_OA 打地鼠
spelling of oa
spelling of oa 拼字遊戲
Long u spelling (oo, u, ue, u_e, ew)
Long u spelling (oo, u, ue, u_e, ew) 猜字遊戲
Long u (u, ue, u_e, ew)
Long u (u, ue, u_e, ew) 打地鼠
Long u (u, ue, u_e, ew) sentences
Long u (u, ue, u_e, ew) sentences 隨機卡
Long u (u, ue, u_e, ew)
Long u (u, ue, u_e, ew) 猜字遊戲
long u
long u 配對遊戲
Long Division Questions
Long Division Questions 測驗
OG45 U-e 2 Sounds
OG45 U-e 2 Sounds 按組排序
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