
Sis level 2


10,000+個符合‘sis level 2’的搜索結果

ING words
ING words 按組排序
Suffix -less, and -ness
Suffix -less, and -ness 按組排序
Dictionary work
Dictionary work 測驗
Open vs Closed   SIS
Open vs Closed SIS 按組排序
Digraph th thumb or mother?
Digraph th thumb or mother? 按組排序
Dictionary Quartiles
Dictionary Quartiles 按組排序
Voiced/Unvoiced consonants
Voiced/Unvoiced consonants 打地鼠
/ng/ or /n/?
/ng/ or /n/? 按組排序
Sh or ch pictures
Sh or ch pictures 真假遊戲
Sounds of letter s
Sounds of letter s 按組排序
Digraph ch
Digraph ch 打地鼠
Digraph sh maze chase
Digraph sh maze chase 迷宮追逐
FLOSS rule /f/ /l/  /s/ sort
FLOSS rule /f/ /l/ /s/ sort 按組排序
Ture picture match up
Ture picture match up 匹配遊戲
Of vs off
Of vs off 完成句子
Rabbit words or not rabbit words
Rabbit words or not rabbit words 按組排序
Jobs of Silent E
Jobs of Silent E 按組排序
Suffix s and suffix ing
Suffix s and suffix ing 刺破氣球
c = /s/ or /k/?
c = /s/ or /k/? 打地鼠
CLE vs CAL 按組排序
SIS Level 3 CLE
SIS Level 3 CLE 匹配遊戲
B and D
B and D 真假遊戲
Final S blends
Final S blends 按組排序
b or d
b or d 飛機遊戲
Fundations Unit 2 Level 5 Trick Words
Fundations Unit 2 Level 5 Trick Words 拼字遊戲
sh or ch?
sh or ch? 測驗
FLOSS Rule 開箱遊戲
sh or ch?
sh or ch? 真假遊戲
K/C/CK Rule
K/C/CK Rule 按組排序
Fundations Level 2 Unit 7 Trick Words
Fundations Level 2 Unit 7 Trick Words 拼字遊戲
Syllable Types
Syllable Types 測驗
Unit 10 Trick Words
Unit 10 Trick Words 搜字遊戲
Fundations Unit 14 /ou/
Fundations Unit 14 /ou/ 測驗
Complete the ey,ea, ee sentences
Complete the ey,ea, ee sentences 完成句子
ar/er/or 測驗
Spelling oi & oy words
Spelling oi & oy words 完成句子
Homophones 測驗
Floss or Not?
Floss or Not? 測驗
ch or tch?
ch or tch? 測驗
Closed or Exception? Whack a Mole
Closed or Exception? Whack a Mole 打地鼠
Level 2 keywords
Level 2 keywords 刺破氣球
Noun Sort
Noun Sort 按組排序
VCe missing word
VCe missing word 完成句子
ng words
ng words 開箱遊戲
b or d?
b or d? 測驗
Nonsense Words - cvc
Nonsense Words - cvc 隨機輪盤
FLOSS Rule Sort
FLOSS Rule Sort 按組排序
Dropping Rule
Dropping Rule 測驗
CVC  a-i Level 1 Words Page 3 - 23
CVC a-i Level 1 Words Page 3 - 23 隨機卡
Level 5 Syllable Match (ew,eu, y, ey, ei)
Level 5 Syllable Match (ew,eu, y, ey, ei) 匹配遊戲
Dictionary Quartile match up
Dictionary Quartile match up 按組排序
Put in alphabetical order
Put in alphabetical order 句子排列
 -tion / -sion
-tion / -sion 按組排序
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