
Speakout elementary


1,496個符合‘speakout elementary’的搜索結果

Unit 9 Final Speakout Elementary
Unit 9 Final Speakout Elementary 翻轉卡片
Unit 7 Speaking Cards Speakout Elementary
Unit 7 Speaking Cards Speakout Elementary 翻轉卡片
oi, oy, aw, and au words
oi, oy, aw, and au words 按組排序
Can & could
Can & could 測驗
11.1  Present Perfect Speakout Pre-intermediare
11.1 Present Perfect Speakout Pre-intermediare 真假遊戲
Personality adjectives antonyms
Personality adjectives antonyms 匹配遊戲
5B English File Elementary
5B English File Elementary 查找匹配項
3 Review Speaking cards Speakout Elementary
3 Review Speaking cards Speakout Elementary 翻轉卡片
Unit 6 Speaking Cards Speakout elementary
Unit 6 Speaking Cards Speakout elementary 翻轉卡片
5.3  giving directions Speakout pre-intermediate
5.3 giving directions Speakout pre-intermediate 測驗
aw and au
aw and au 按組排序
Unit 3 Final Speakout elementary
Unit 3 Final Speakout elementary 翻轉卡片
3.3 Speaking card Speakout Pre-intermidiate
3.3 Speaking card Speakout Pre-intermidiate 翻轉卡片
Divergent Categories
Divergent Categories 隨機輪盤
Describing Using EET
Describing Using EET 開箱遊戲
CVCV Words
CVCV Words 開箱遊戲
Comprehension Question Elementary
Comprehension Question Elementary 隨機輪盤
3.2 Speakout Elementary `s - is or possessive?
3.2 Speakout Elementary `s - is or possessive? 真假遊戲
2.3 Speakout Pre-Intermediate
2.3 Speakout Pre-Intermediate 隨機卡
 2.1 Pr. Simple Vs Pr. Continuous SpeakOut pre-intermediate
2.1 Pr. Simple Vs Pr. Continuous SpeakOut pre-intermediate 測驗
-ture words
-ture words 開箱遊戲
- tion words
- tion words 打地鼠
oa words
oa words 打地鼠
-ture words
-ture words 打地鼠
EF elem 4A prepostions of time
EF elem 4A prepostions of time 按組排序
suffix -age
suffix -age 刺破氣球
A2 - Vocabulary | School subjects - Recall quiz
A2 - Vocabulary | School subjects - Recall quiz 快閃記憶體卡
A2 - Past simple verbs | Regular or irregular? 1
A2 - Past simple verbs | Regular or irregular? 1 翻轉卡片
A2 - Past Simple verbs | Regular or irregular? 2
A2 - Past Simple verbs | Regular or irregular? 2 按組排序
Countable/uncountable 測驗
7.2 so, to, so (that), because SpeakOut Pre-Intermediate
7.2 so, to, so (that), because SpeakOut Pre-Intermediate 測驗
 4.2 voc Speakout pre-intermediate
4.2 voc Speakout pre-intermediate 匹配遊戲
4 Review Final Speakout Elementary
4 Review Final Speakout Elementary 翻轉卡片
EET Beads Matching Game
EET Beads Matching Game 配對遊戲
Speech Machine
Speech Machine 問答遊戲
Body Part Rhymes
Body Part Rhymes 匹配遊戲
L2 - Irregular past tense verbs
L2 - Irregular past tense verbs 翻轉卡片
Finding Mm
Finding Mm 打地鼠
days of the week and months
days of the week and months 查找匹配項
Classroom language
Classroom language 翻轉卡片
A2 - Tell me more!
A2 - Tell me more! 隨機卡
Places in a town 2
Places in a town 2 匹配遊戲
Places in a town 4
Places in a town 4 測驗
When was the last time you...?
When was the last time you...? 隨機卡
5.2 verb patterns SpeakOut Pre-Intermediate
5.2 verb patterns SpeakOut Pre-Intermediate 測驗
Dass Sätze
Dass Sätze 句子排列
Things for a trip
Things for a trip 標籤圖表
Breakfast 4 - quiz
Breakfast 4 - quiz 測驗
Дом: Elementary Russian
Дом: Elementary Russian 匹配遊戲
Containers 4
Containers 4 快閃記憶體卡
tion, tial, and ture
tion, tial, and ture 按組排序
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