
Spelling Barton


10,000+個符合‘spelling barton’的搜索結果

Barton 7.4 SW spelling
Barton 7.4 SW spelling 測驗
Barton 3.6 Watch Out Vowels
Barton 3.6 Watch Out Vowels 問答遊戲
Barton 6-12 Consonant LE sort
Barton 6-12 Consonant LE sort 按組排序
Barton 6.13 spelling of /kle/
Barton 6.13 spelling of /kle/ 問答遊戲
Barton 3.8 Units
Barton 3.8 Units 配對遊戲
Barton 6.14 Prefix review
Barton 6.14 Prefix review 匹配遊戲
Barton 7.4 SW match
Barton 7.4 SW match 配對遊戲
Last Sound /b/ FIS or Level 1 Barton
Last Sound /b/ FIS or Level 1 Barton 真假遊戲
a or e with CVC and CVCC
a or e with CVC and CVCC 測驗
Hangman Barton 2.3
Hangman Barton 2.3 猜字遊戲
Barton 3.10  weirdo contractions
Barton 3.10 weirdo contractions 配對遊戲
Barton 3.10 regular contractions
Barton 3.10 regular contractions 配對遊戲
Barton 9.8 matching
Barton 9.8 matching 配對遊戲
Barton 3.10 Weirdo Contractions
Barton 3.10 Weirdo Contractions 隨機輪盤
Barton 9.7 Match Up
Barton 9.7 Match Up 配對遊戲
Barton 5.7 -tion vs. -sion
Barton 5.7 -tion vs. -sion 問答遊戲
Barton 6.14 IN or IM
Barton 6.14 IN or IM 按組排序
Barton 7.3 -ance or -ence
Barton 7.3 -ance or -ence 測驗
8.1-8.2 Vocabulary, Read all answers, choose definition.
8.1-8.2 Vocabulary, Read all answers, choose definition. 開箱遊戲
Barton 6-12 matching c-le
Barton 6-12 matching c-le 配對遊戲
Barton 7.3 Vowel R-Silent E
Barton 7.3 Vowel R-Silent E 隨機輪盤
Barton 3.4 BOOM  real and nonsense
Barton 3.4 BOOM real and nonsense 隨機卡
Barton 3.8 Sight Words Read/Spell
Barton 3.8 Sight Words Read/Spell 隨機輪盤
Barton 3.9 spell /ch/ at the end  quiz
Barton 3.9 spell /ch/ at the end quiz 測驗
Barton Level 2.1 a,b,f,m,p,s,t
Barton Level 2.1 a,b,f,m,p,s,t 隨機輪盤
 Barton 7.3 #1 Vowel R-Silent E  (BOOM)
Barton 7.3 #1 Vowel R-Silent E (BOOM) 隨機卡
Barton Book 3 Review
Barton Book 3 Review 測驗
Barton Book 4 SCHWA rules
Barton Book 4 SCHWA rules 刺破氣球
Barton 7.1-7.8  HFW  (Vowel R BOOM card)
Barton 7.1-7.8 HFW (Vowel R BOOM card) 隨機卡
Level 5 - Lesson 4 - Space Invaders - /t/, /d/, or /ed/
Level 5 - Lesson 4 - Space Invaders - /t/, /d/, or /ed/ 測驗
Barton 3.3 Read these Words
Barton 3.3 Read these Words 問答遊戲
Barton Book 3 Review Sort
Barton Book 3 Review Sort 按組排序
Ean's 8.3 Hangman
Ean's 8.3 Hangman 猜字遊戲
3.7 Choose the correct spelling rule
3.7 Choose the correct spelling rule 測驗
3.6 choose the spelling for the /k/ sound
3.6 choose the spelling for the /k/ sound 問答遊戲
Barton 8.1-8.4 - Match Up 1
Barton 8.1-8.4 - Match Up 1 匹配遊戲
Barton Level 3.5 Unit "all"
Barton Level 3.5 Unit "all" 隨機輪盤
Barton Level 5 Rule REVIEW
Barton Level 5 Rule REVIEW 測驗
Barton 4.5 Happy Rule
Barton 4.5 Happy Rule 打地鼠
Barton Level 6 Review with a focus on Consonant le
Barton Level 6 Review with a focus on Consonant le 測驗
Barton 8.1-8.4 - Spell me Endings
Barton 8.1-8.4 - Spell me Endings 猜字遊戲
FIS lesson   /k/  & /g/
FIS lesson /k/ & /g/ 打地鼠
7.1-7.2  AR, OR, IR, ER, UR   "SLIME"
7.1-7.2 AR, OR, IR, ER, UR "SLIME" 隨機卡
Barton 6.03 CE GE
Barton 6.03 CE GE 輸贏測驗
Barton Level 9.1 matchup sight words
Barton Level 9.1 matchup sight words 查找匹配項
6.13 -cle, -kle, -ckle
6.13 -cle, -kle, -ckle 按組排序
Barton 9 SW List 1 Spelling
Barton 9 SW List 1 Spelling 猜字遊戲
6.2 BOOM syllable division with silent e
6.2 BOOM syllable division with silent e 隨機卡
Barton 4.13 OW EW
Barton 4.13 OW EW 猜字遊戲
Barton / Student Behavior - do's and don'ts (Level 4)
Barton / Student Behavior - do's and don'ts (Level 4) 輸贏測驗
Barton 4.2 Spelling Rule Quiz
Barton 4.2 Spelling Rule Quiz 測驗
3.9 Catch Lunch rhyming
3.9 Catch Lunch rhyming 配對遊戲
Barton 9.8 OUR sound spellings
Barton 9.8 OUR sound spellings 問答遊戲
Barton 4.12 AY EE
Barton 4.12 AY EE 猜字遊戲
9.3 Interrupting Cow
9.3 Interrupting Cow 隨機卡
6.2 syllable division with silent-e
6.2 syllable division with silent-e 問答遊戲
Barton 4.08 Compound Words
Barton 4.08 Compound Words 猜字遊戲
Barton 4.14 EE AI OA
Barton 4.14 EE AI OA 猜字遊戲
 3.9 /ch/ at the end rhyming matchup
3.9 /ch/ at the end rhyming matchup 匹配遊戲
Barton Level 9.5 Sightword match
Barton Level 9.5 Sightword match 查找匹配項
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