1) Hago vela a) I go sailing b) You go sailing c) She goes sailing d) I do sail 2) Hacemos ciclismo a menudo a) We often go cycling b) We don't like cycling often c) You sometimes go cycling d) I often go cycling 3) Me encanta hacer gimnasia por la tarde a) I love playing gymnastics often b) I enjoy gymnastics in the morning c) I never do gymnastics at school d) I love doing gymnastics in the evening 4) Normalmente hago equitación con mi hermano pequeño a) I normally go horse-riding with my big brother b) I normally do horse-riding with my little brother c) You normally do horse-riding with your step brother d) They normally don't do horse-riding 5) La natación es mi deporte favorito, lo practico todos los fines de semana a) I love swimming, it's my favourite sport during the week b) Swimming is my favourite sport, I practise it every week-end c) I love doing swimming at the weekend with my friends d) I'm not very keen on swimming, but I practise it at the weekend 6) En Inglaterra no se puede hacer esquí, pero me gustaría hacer esqui el año que viene a) In India you can't do sports, but I would love to do skiing b) We can't go skiing in England but we would love to c) In England you can't go skiing, but I would like to go skiing next year d) Skiing is fun, however I won't be able to do it next year 7) Normalmente cocino con mi madre, aunque a veces hago los deberes a) Normally I cook with my mum, however I sometimes do homework b) I sometimes do homework with my mum, but I often cook c) I never really do any homework but my mum helps me d) Normally I do homework and cook with my mum 8) Me encanta el fútbol, pero prefiero el baloncesto a) I love basketball, but I hate football b) I love football, but I prefer basketball c) I like football, but I can't stand basketball d) I'm crazy about football, and I don't like basketball 9) Normalmente juego a tenis, pero el año pasado jugé a balonmano a) Normally I like tennis, but last weekend I played basketball b) I don't like tennis normally, but I prefer handball c) Netball is my favourite sport, I prefer it over baseball d) Normally I play tennis, but last year I played handball 10) Ayer toqué la guitarra y por la tarde jugué a baloncesto a) I don't usually play the guitar, and yesterday I played netball b) I love playing the guitar and sometimes do sports c) Yesterday I played the guitar, and in the evening I played basketball d) Yesterday I bought a guitar and played tennis 11) Recibo diez euros de paga a la semana. Normalmente gasto mi paga en ropa y maquillaje a) I receive 10 euros of pocket money a week. Normally, I spend my pocket money on clothes and makeup b) My pocket money is not much and normally I spend it on sweets c) I receive one pound of pocket money a week. Normally I spend it on my mobile d) I don't receive pocket money and I don't normally spend anything 12) Soy adicta al deporte, el verano pasado fui a España y gasté mi paga en una competición de natación a) I am addicted to sports, last summer I went to Spain and I spent all my pocket money on a swimming competition b) I don't like sports, last week I went to Estonia and I spend my money on sweets c) I love sports, last summer I went to Spain and I did swimming d) I am addicted to sports, but last summer I didn't do swimming in Spain
Spanish Viva GCSE Module 4 - Sports and Past Tense
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