A Surah in the Quran is named after a large animal. What is the title of the Surah? - Surah Al-Fil, How many Ayahs are there in the shortest Surah? - Three Ayahs, This Surah tells about the Majestic night when Quran was revealed. - Surah Al-Qadr, Only one Surah in the Quran names one uncle of the Prophet. What is that Surah? - Surah Al-Masad, This Surah talks about the whispering of Jinns. What is that Surah? - Surah An-Nas, What is the Surah talk about the Oneness of Allah? - Sural Al-Ikhlas, Surah At-Taubah is also known by another name. What is that name? - Surah Baraa, Which short Surah talks about the earthquake and proceeding to the judgment? - Surah Azzalzalah, Which Surah is symbolically termed as sab al-mathani? - Surah Al-Fatiha, In this Surah, the story of Dhul-Qarnain is related. What is the name of the Surah? - Surah AlKahf,

Surah for Intermediate level





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