What is the name of Imam Malik book? - Al Muwatta', Who wrote AlMuwatta'? - Imam Malik, What does the book AlMuwatta' cover? - Human life from Ibadat to social, agriculture, and economic issue , What does AlJami' contain? - All kinds of Ahadith, What does Sirah mean? - Biography of Rasulullah, What does Manaqib mean? - Fine qualities of Rasulullah, his Sahah, his tribe, etc, Name of the book contains all kinds of Ahadeeth? - Bukhari, How the Ahadith arrange in Al Musnad? - According to the name of the Sahabah, How the Ahadeeth record in As-Sunan? - According to their subject, under the heading of law book, How does the Ahadeeth arrange in Al Mu'jam? - According to the alphabetic names of the Sahabah, Who wrote AlMu'jam Assaghir? - At-Tabarani,

kinds of Ahadith collections





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