1) The most efficient farm animals are a) cattle b) hogs c) fish d) sheep 2) The state that leads the U.S. in catfish production. a) California b) Mississippi c) Nebraska d) Washington 3) The production of catfish begins with a) Breeding b) Hatching c) Processing d) Spawning 4) The most common fish raised for food production is a) Catfish b) Koi c) Carp d) Trout 5) Aqua means water and culture means a) fish b) processing c) breeding d) growing or caring for 6) Which of the following civilizations were NOT credited for growing a long time ago. a) Chinese b) Egyptians c) Romans d) Russians 7) Animals that are ectothermic a) rely on the food they eat for energy and heat b) have an external skeleton c) are immune to the effects of gravity d) depend upon their environment to regulate their body temperature 8) In 1960, there were around ________ acres of catfish ponds in the United States. a) 10 b) 60 c) 600 d) 150,000 9) Today, there are around _______ acres of catfish ponds in the United States. a) 10 b) 60 c) 600 d) 150,000 10) Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of catfish? a) scales b) barbels c) smooth skin d) none of the above 11) Catfish thrive in water with a temperature of a) 10 degrees Fahrenheit b) 60 degrees Fahrenheit c) 85 degrees Fahrenheit d) 212 degrees Fahrenheit 12) The best size for brood catfish seems to be around a) 2 to 6 inches b) 1 pound c) 3 to 5 pounds d) 100 pounds 13) After the eggs hatch, small fish called ________ are placed in long tanks. a) fry b) fingerlings c) roe d) brood fish 14) In order to increase the level of dissolved oxygen in the water, a producer can use a) a motor boat b) a mechanical aerator c) a device that slings water into the air d) all of the above 15) Fingerlings are small fish that are a) eggs b) 3 to 5 pounds c) 2 to 6 inches long d) 100 pounds 16) Cool-water fish thrive in water with a temperature below a) 10 degrees Fahrenheit b) 65 degrees Fahrenheit c) 85 degrees Fahrenheit d) 212 degrees Fahrenheit 17) The spawning of cool-water fish in aquaculture production is different than in catfish because a) the male fish lays the eggs b) the female fish protects the nest c) brood ponds are used d) a technician aids the process 18) Crustaceans are aquatic animals that have a(n) _____________________, or an external skeleton a) thorax b) exoskeleton c) pulse d) raceway 19) Crayfish are usually raised in a) closed-loop systems b) brood ponds c) flooded rice fields d) raceways 20) Most tropical fish are raised in what is called a a) closed-loop system b) brood ponds c) flooded race fields d) raceways 21) Sometimes referred to as fresh-water shrimp are a) barbels b) crayfish c) lobster d) prawns 22) Which of the following is NOT a major producer of shrimp? a) Thailand b) Phillipines c) Japan d) United States 23) How long ago did aquaculture become a major global industry? a) Last month b) 10 years ago c) 30-50 years ago d) 1,000 years ago 24) What is a trawler? a) freshwater shrimp b) a large mass of fish eggs c) a large fishing vessel d) a tadpole 25) The feed conversion (efficiency) rate for catfish is a) 2:1 b) 9:1 c) 1 to 2 pounds d) 12 inches 26) What is the ideal temperature for catfish? a) 10 degrees Fahrenheit b) 65 degrees Fahrenheit c) 85 degrees Fahrenheit d) 212 degrees Fahrenheit 27) What is used by the catfish industry to advance genetics? a) artificial insemination b) spawning c) selective breeding d) mountain oysters 28) What is spawning? a) technician-aided breeding b) laying of eggs by the female c) cannibalism d) caging fish 29) The consumer preferred market weight of catfish is a) 1 to 2 pounds b) 3 to 5 pounds c) 2 to 6 inches d) 100 pounds 30) What is roe? a) a large mass of fish eggs b) boxes used for laying eggs c) newly hatched fish d) young fish that 2 to 6 inches long 31) What must be checked regularly in growing fishponds? a) feed b) dissolved oxygen content c) water temperature d) nesting boxes 32) When can dissolved oxygen content in water sink to its lowest? a) cold, ice covered ponds b) cool, sunny days c) hot, dark, humid nights d) bright, cool nights 33) What is placed into tanked trucks to keep catfish calm on the way to processing plant? a) dissolved oxygen b) lime c) seaweed d) salt 34) What is a raceway? a) a place where cars continuously make left turns b) waste deep ponds for growing catfish c) deep fat fryers used to cook fish d) concrete structures used to raise cool-water fish
Aquaculture Study Guide
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