Would you rather travel to the mountains or to the beach?, Would you rather go down a water slide or jump into a pool of slime?, Would you rather go on a cruise ship or a ride in a helicopter?, Would you rather be great at one sport or pretty good at many sports?, Would you rather see a pro game or play in one?, Would you rather go to Disneyland or to SeaWorld to see a killer whale?, Would you rather eat pizza or a cheeseburger?, Would you rather stay at home or be out with your friends?, Would you rather have many good friends or one very best friend?, Would you rather ride a bike or go swimming?, Would you rather be able to breathe underwater or be able to fly?, Would you rather have to go without TV or junk food for the rest of your life?, Would you rather have it be summer all year or winter all year?, Would you rather be a superhero or a wizard?, Would you rather have 10 siblings or be an only child?.

Would You Rather?





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