isotonic - when a cell is in a solution that has the same concentration of solutes, selectively permeable - Cell membrane allows some substance to pass through while keeping others out., diffusion - The movement of any molecule from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration, phospholipid - double layer of these make up cell membrane, osmosis - movement of water across a selectively permeable membrane; passive transport, glycoprotein - acts as identification for the cell, hypertonic solution - has more solutes in it; "solute sucks" water out of cell, hypotonic solution - has more water in it than the inside of the cell; results in "hippo" cell, channel protein - protein that helps move substances through the cell membrane, facilitated diffusion - diffusion of any molecule from high--> low using a transport protein, active transport - movement from low --> high concentration and requires energy, passive transport - movement from high --> low concentration, does not require energy, pic of cell in hypertonic environment, pic of cell in hypotonic environment, pic of cell in isotonic environment, lipids + proteins - two primary parts of the cell membrane, endocytosis - active transport; large substances enter the cell, exocytosis - active transport; large substances exit the cell,

Cell Membrane/Transport Review





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