1) What is 23 + 55 a) 66 b) 78 c) 76 2) What is 100 + 437  a) 537 b) 547 c) 534 3) What is 10 x 21 a) 200 b) 210 c) 242 4) What is 56 x 7? a) 392 b) 300 c) 343 5) What is the Human Body? a) The World b) Just your heart. c) You. 6) What is the Circulatory System in your body? a) It moves your blood. b) It helps you breathe. c) You will die if you have it. 7) What happens if you mix Soda and Vinegar? a) It explodes. Not hurting. b) Nothing. c) You get knocked out. 8) What is COVID-19 in 2021? a) A vaccine. b) A virus c) A food. 9) Which is NOT a TV show? / In 2021 / a) The Real Ghostbusters b) Big City GReens c) WHO IS THIS MAN? 10) What is the toughest Sport listed below? a) Soccer / Football b) Baseball c) Fitness

Answer! / For G4 /





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