Lord Baltimore - founded Maryland as a refuge for Catholics, Nathaniel Bacon - exposed tensions between indentured servants and VA elites, John Winthrop - Puritan leader in MA, famous for his "City Upon a Hill" sermon, Anne Hutchinson - banished by puritans for unorthodox beleifs about gender and the ability to interpret the Bible, Roger Williams - banished by puritans for support of religious toleration and the seperation of church and state, Chief Metacom - Also known as King Philip, he led an attack against colonists in MA, William Penn - Founded PA as a "holy experiment." Were religiously tolerant and had a representative assembly, George Whitefield - charismatic preacher who spread New Light fervor during the First Great Awakening, John Locke - Enlightenment thinker who beleived in natural rights ,

Period 2 People





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