1) If I ... a car, I wouldn't walk to work everyday. a) had b) will have c) have 2) If I won the lottery, I ... a Ferrari. a) buy b) would buy c) bought 3) If I ... you, I would go to the doctor immediately. a) were b) was c) am 4) What would you do if you... a wallet in the street? a) found b) find c) would find 5) I ... forgive Sophie if I were you. a) wouldn't b) won't c) will 6) If I were not busy, I .... to Brenda´s party. a) would go b) will go c) go 7) If I were you, I ... Kevin the truth. a) will tell b) would tell c) could tell 8) What would you do if you … a snake? a) see b) saw c) did see 9) If I ... time, I would help you. a) have b) had c) will have 10) If I were you, I ... this hat. It's nice. a) buy b) bought c) would buy 11) If I ....in English class now, I would be watching TV a) wasn´t b) weren´t c) am not 12) If I met Aladdin´s geenie, I ....... ....him to give me 100 more wishes. a) would ask b) will ask c) ask 13) If I .....the president, I would ask him to end up with corruption. a) meet b) met c) would meet 14) If I got a PS4 for my birthday, I ........the happiest kid on Earth. a) were b) would be c) will be

Second Conditional





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