life - In BIOlogy class we study living things. BIO means..., see or look - SPECtators watched the game. SPEC means..., not - The DISsatified customer was not happy with his purchase. DIS means..., under - The SUBmarine glided below the waves. SUB means..., before - He PREviewed the movie before buying it. PRE means...,  one hundred - The CENTenarian celebrated her 100th birthday. CENT means...,  foot - The driver stepped on the PEDal to stop the car. PED means..., many - A MULTIvitamin has vitamins A, B, C, and D. MULTI means...,  one - Balancing on a UNIcycle takes a lot of practice. UNI means...,  two - BIpedal humans walk on two legs, not four. BI means...,  good - Water and sunlight are BENEficial to plants. BENE means..., water - The AQUArium was filled with colorful fish. AQUA means...,  hear - The AUDience listened to the opera. AUD means...,  again - The house was REbuilt after the storm. RE means...,  against - The ANTIdote counteracted the effect of the poison. ANTI means...,

Word Roots & Affixes





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