1) What do you use to wash clothes? a) washing machine b) toaster c) TV d) microwave 2) What do you use to boil water for hot drinks? a) toaster b) mop c) kettle d) mobile phone 3) What do you use to keep food cold? a) mop b) TV c) cooker d) fridge 4) What do you use to freeze food? a) freezer b) cooker c) broom d) TV 5) What do you use to wash the floor? a) mop b) washing machine c) mobile phone d) TV 6) What do you use to sweep the floor? a) hair dryer b) broom c) refrigerator d) kettle 7) What do you use to brush your teeth? a) broom b) toothbrush c) hair brush d) hair dryer 8) What do you use to brush your hair? a) hair brush b) hair dryer c) refrigerator d) mobile phone 9) What do you use to make toast? a) broom b) toaster c) kettle d) microwave 10) What do you use to heat food quickly? a) washing machine b) broom c) refrigerator d) microwave 11) What do you use to clean the carpets? a) washing machine b) washing up liquid c) hoover d) microwave 12) What do you use to cook your dinner? a) cooker b) washing machine c) washing up liquid d) hair dryer 13) What do you use to dry your hair? a) hoover b) mop c) hair dryer d) cooker 14) What do you use to make phone calls with? a) microwave b) toaster c) broom d) mobile phone

Household items





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