1) 1.Write the colors of the Italian flag in Italian.  2) 2.What is the capital of Italy?  3) 3.What is the name of this famous pizza? 4) 4.Name 1 of the two largest Italian Islands.  5) 5.List the countries that border Italy.  6) 6.Name a region that is located al "Nord".   7) 7.What mountain range is known as the "Spine" of Italy.  8) 8.How many seas surround Italy. Type your answer in Italian.  9) 9.What currency is used in Italy? 10) 10.Where does the Pope live? 11) 11.What Italian city was built on water? 12) 12.What is the most popular Italian dessert? 13) 13.What is the most visited landmark in Roma, Italia? 14) 14.It is uncommon to have this breakfast beverage past 11am.  15) 15.Italy is known as "Il Bel Paese (country)". "Bel" is a form of which Italian adjective? 16) 16.Write the following city in Italian: Venice. 17) 17.Write the following city in Italian: Naples. 18) 18.Write the following region in Italian: Sicily. 19) 19. Name a place to visit in Puglia. 20) 20. What is Puglia known for?

(6) Cultura





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