1) What new recipe or dish do you want to try making or eating? 2) What is something new you learned about yourself in the past year? 3) Tell us about someone in your life who is more special than they realize. 4) Tell us about a piece of art (music/visual/performing) you like and what you like about it. 5) Tell us about a person in your life you are grateful for. 6) Show us a photo of yourself and tell us what the photo does not show about you. 7) Talk to us about the best part of your week. 8) Tell us about a great idea you heard or thought about and tell us what makes it great. 9) What is something that brings you joy? 10) Tell us about a song that you like and what you like about it. 11) Tell us about a wise person or character real or imagined and what made/makes them wise. 12) Tell us about a time when you overcame a challenge big or small. 13) How can we increase self love and acceptance? 14) What is a way we can show more compassion toward ourselves or others? 15) If you could get advice from someone, who would you choose and what would you get advice about? 16) Tell us about a great idea that would help others. 17) If someone who knows you well heard about you getting upset or passionate about something, what would they think you were upset/passionate about? 18) Tell us about something you made - a meal, art, or a project. 19) Tell us about something you learned recently. 20) What is something about this week you would have done differently? 21) What would you want your future self to know? Record a voice memo. 22) Tell us about a time you felt inspired. 23) Tell us about a decision you made that you are proud of. 24) Tell us about a day or night dream you had. 25) Tell us about something special in your life that you have been taking for granted. 26) Tell us your full name and how you were named, the origin, and the history. 27) What is something you learned recently that you wish everybody knew?

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