1) a structure built over something (such as a river) so that people or vehicles can get across a) bridge b) brige c) brig 2) a soft, sweet brown candy a) fuge b) fudge c) fug 3) a person who has the power to make decisions on cases brought before a court of law a) jug b) juge c) judge 4) a box made of wire or metal bars in which people keep animals or birds a) cage b) cadge c) cag 5) a small object (such as a tag, pin, or metal shield) that is worn or held up by a person so that it can be easily seen, that has writing (such as a person's name) and often a picture on it, and that shows who the person is a) bag b) badge c) bage 6) a raised platform in a theater, auditorium, etc., where the performers stand a) stag b) stadge c) stage 7) the bags and suitcases that a person carries when traveling a) luggage b) luggadge c) ludgage 8) things that are no longer useful or wanted and that have been thrown out : trash a) grabage b) garbage c) garbadge

ge vs. dge





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