家庭 - jiā tíng - family / household, 家 - jiā - family, home, 这 - zhè - this, 那 - nà - that, 这是 - zhè shì - this is, 那是 - nà shì - that is, 个 - gè - measure word, 这个 - zhè ge - this one, 那个 - nà ge - that one, 的 - de - (a possessive particle used after pronoun/noun), 我的 - wǒ de - my, mine, 你的 - nǐ de - your, yours, 他的 - tā de - his, 她的 - tā de -her,hers, 它的 - tā de -Its, 照片 - zhàopiàn - photo, 爸爸 - bàba - dad, father, 妈妈 - māma - mom, 姐姐 - jiějie - older sister, 妹妹 - mèimei -younger sister, 哥哥 - gēge - older brother, 弟弟 - dìdi - younger brother, 爷爷 - yéye - grandfather (father's side), 姥爷 - lǎo yé - grandfather (mother's side) -north, 奶奶 - nǎinai -grandmother (father's-side), 姥姥 - lǎolao -maternal grandmother, 外公 - wàigōng • grandfather (mother's side)-south, 外婆 - wàipó - grandmother (mother's-side) south, 孩子 - háizi - child, 男孩子 - nán hái zi - boy,

IC 1 Lesson 2 Family





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