envision - v. To imagine; to form a picture in the mind of something that has not yet happened, revise - v. to look back and change; to correct and improve, supervise - v. to direct or oversee, to look after and take care of, visible - adj. able to be seen or perceived, visor - n. a shield for the eyes, like the brim of a cap or the sunshade in a car, prospect - v. to look for; to explore and search for mineral deposits, prospect - n. something that is looked forward to, respect - n. admiration, high regard, respect - n. a specific point or detail, respect - v. to have a good opinion of; to look up to, spectator - n. onlooker, one who watches and event without taking part, spectacle - n. a strikingly grand or unusual sight, spectacular - adj. impressive to look at, remarkable, audible - adj. able to be heard, loud enough to hear, audience - the people who hear a speech or performance, audition - a tryout for a role; a hearing to test and judge a performer's ability, audition - v. to perform for a part; to try out for a role, auditorium - a large room or hall where people gather to hear speakers or view performances, inaudible - adj. not able to be heard, too soft or faint to hear, unheard, megaphone - n. a cone-shaped horn used to direct the voice and make it sound louder, phonics - the study of the sounds of the letters of the alphabet, saxophone - n. a curved wind instrument made of brass with a reed mouthpiece and keys for the fingers, stereophonics - adj. an electronic system that blends sounds from more than one source, symphony - n. a long piece of music to be played by an orchestra, avocation - n. a passtime or hobby; a profession practiced with enjoyment, vocal - adj. connected with speaking or with the voice, vocalist - n. singer, vocation - n. a job; a calling or inclination toward a type of work or service, addictive - adj. habit-forming, hard to break away from, easy to say YES to, contradict - v. to speak against, to say the opposite of , dictation - n. the act of saying words for someone else to write down, dictator - n. a person who commands and rules with total authority, predict - v. to say what will happen in the future, often using reason or experience, verdict - n. the words of decision from a jury, postscript - n. a note added after ending a letter (often abbreviated PS), prescription - n. an order for medicine or other treatment written by a doctor, scribe - n. before the invention of printing, a person who wrote books by hand; a writer, script - n. the text of a play, movie, or broadcast, script - n. handwriting, subscription - n. an order for, or a pledge to pay for, regular copies of a publication, a group of plays or concerts, and so on, autobiography - n. a life story written by the person who lived it, autograph - v. to sign one's name, a signature, biography - n. an account of someone's life, written by another person, geography - n. the study of features of different places on earth, paragraph - n. a section of a piece of writing, dealing with one topic, antisocial - adj. unfriendly; not enjoying the company of others, antisocial - adj. harmful or hostile to the society of other people, association - n a club, society, or organization of people with similar interests, association - n. connection, friendship, dissociate - v. to break the ties between, separate from, stop associating with, society - n. people, human beings living and working as a group or a community, society - n. a club, association or organization of people with similar interests, sociologist - n. a scientist who works in the area of sociology, which examines the relationships, values, and institutions of communities of people, commemorate - to honor the memory of, memento - an object that reminds one of a special time, memorandum - n. a written or typed note to help one remember something, memorial - n. a monument or statue built in memory of a person or event, memorial - adj. serving as a reminder, remembrance - n. an object that keeps a memory of something alive, decrease - v. to make less, to become smaller, dejected - adj. downhearted, in low spirits, unhappy, demote - v. to lower in rank or position, to move down or back, denominator - n. the numeral below the line, or to the right of the line, in a fraction, descend - v. to come down, to go from higher to a lower place, subdue - v. to bring under control, to quiet down; to conquer, subheading - n. the title or heading for one section of an outline or paper, submerge - v. to move, or be pushed under water, subside - v. to go down, recede, settle, sink to a lower level, subsistence - n. the minimum amount to sustain life,

Vocabulary Midterm Lessons 1-7 Words (Soph)







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