1) Which is the correct spelling? a) brownie b) browney c) browny 2) Which is the correct spelling? a) donkie b) donkey c) donky 3) Which is the correct spelling? a) rookie b) rookey c) rooky 4) Which is the correct spelling? a) angrie b) angrey c) angry 5) Which is the correct spelling? a) jersie b) jersey c) jersy 6) Which is the correct spelling? a) ponie b) poney c) pony 7) Which is the correct spelling? a) prairie b) prairey c) prairy 8) Which is the correct spelling? a) kidnie b) kidney c) kidny 9) Which is the correct spelling? a) tinie b) tiney c) tiny 10) Which is the correct spelling? a) turkie b) turkey c) turky 11) Which is the correct spelling? a) goalie b) goaley c) goaly 12) Which is the correct spelling? a) balonie b) baloney c) balony 13) Which is the correct spelling? a) copie b) copey c) copy 14) Which is the correct spelling? a) cookie b) cookey c) cooky 15) Which is the correct spelling? a) hockie b) hockey c) hocky 16) Which is the correct spelling? a) genie b) geney c) geny 17) Which is the correct spelling? a) releef b) relief c) releaf 18) Which is the correct spelling? a) leeve b) leave c) lieve 19) Which is the correct spelling? a) feeld b) feald c) field 20) Which is the correct spelling? a) screen b) screan c) screin 21) Which is the correct spelling? a) peenut b) peanut c) pienut 22) Which is the correct spelling? a) bright b) brite 23) Which is the correct spelling? a) sigh b) sie

Which is the correct spelling - 11?







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