1) I help you to keep your teeth clean and healthy. I work in a clinic. a) Scientist b) Dentist 2) I work in a classroom. I help students learn. I give you homework. a) teacher b) scientist 3) I work in a hospital. I help sick people feel better. a) director b) doctor 4) I work at the university. I am like a teacher but for older students. a) professor b) editor 5) I will come when there is a car accident. I help when buildings are burning. a) police officer b) firefighter 6) I visit your home five to six days a week. People like to see me because I usually bring something good. I wear a uniform and can travel in a special truck or van. Bad weather doesn’t stop me. a) mail carrier b) trash collector 7) I have strong debating skills. I advise people about the law. I represent people in court. I am talkative and smart. a) lawyer b) student 8) I often protect buildings. Sometimes I protect presidents and celebrities. a) veterinarian b) security guard 9) I help people look beautiful. My tools include combs, scissors and blow dryers. a) Hairdresser b) Nurse 10) I help people feel better. You see me more than doctors at the hospital. a) paralegal b) nurse

Who Am I ? Job Riddles Public Service Careers





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