1) One who practices magic; a sorcerer or magician is _______________. a) stone b) wizard c) chores d) sword e) evil 2) Concreted earthy or mineral matter, rock is ________________. a) Stone b) chores c) sword d) tied e) wound (ed) 3) Daily or routine domestic tasks especially a farmer´s routine morning and evening tasks, such as feeding livestock____. a) wizard b) evil c) stone d) chores e) knights 4) a weapon consisting typically of a long, straight or slightly curved, pointed blade having one or two cutting edges and set into a hilt.________. a) stone b) wizard c) sword d) stuck e) sneak (ed) 5) morally bad or wrong; wicked is _________________. a) stuck b) knights c) round table d) evil e) tie (d) 6) To invest with regal power, enthrone is ________________. a) stone b) king c) evil d) crown (ed) e) sneak (ed) 7) To fasten or secure with or as if with a cord, rope or strap is _____________. a) tie (ed) b) stone c) evil d) chores e) sword 8) To cause a damage in the body, usually a hole or tear through the skin, especially done on purpose by a weapon. a) stone b) wound (ed) c) evil d) round table e) stuck 9) A medieval tenant giving military service as a mounted man-at-arms to a feudal landholder. a) table round b) stone c) knights d) sneak (ed) e) stuck 10) The circular table of King Arthur and his knights is ___________. a) stone b) sword c) chores d) Round table e) castle 11) To go or move in a quiet, stealthy way. a) sneak (ed) b) stone c) wizard d) evil e) countryside 12) being in a position or in circumstances that place one under the power or authority of another or others. a) wizard b) subjects c) king d) knights e) evil 13) To become fixed, blocked, checked, or obstructed. a) evil b) stone c) stuck d) knights e) round table 14) A rural region a) wizard b) stone c) city d) countryside e) castle

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