Hannah - Who was Samuel's mother?, nations - The israelites asked Samuel for a king because they wanted to be like other ___., Ark of the Covenant - The Philistines fought the Israelites and captured the ___., house of the Lord - Where did Samuel's mother bring him when he was old enough?, Eli - Who was the priest that mentored Samuel?, servant is listening - Speak, Lord, for your ___. , Philistines - Who worshipped the false god, Dagon?, their whole hearts - Samuel told the Israelites to worship God __., king - The elders of Israel asked Samuel to appoint a ___., the tribe of Benjamin - Samuel appointed a man from ___ to be the first king., Saul - the first king of Israel, David - the second king, Jesse - father of the second king, harp or lyre - the second king played this instrument, Goliath - With whom did the second king fight?,

Samuel the Prophet





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