1) Give me 3 questions you need to ask when evaluating sources. 2) What's the oppositive of accurate? 3) What are the main parts of T5 Oral presentation? 4) What are two benefits of fast fashion? 5) Define fast fashion. 6) What's the capital city of Australia? 7) Define a didgeridoo. 8) Explain what academic source is. 9) How can you use GAITSs ethically in your assignments? 10) What are three stages of introduction paragraph in the discussion essay? 11) Give 3 examples of poor working conditions in garment factories. 12) What's another name for Australia? 13) Which animals are on the Australian Coat of Arms? 14) Use the words 'compelled to' in a sentence. 15) Give me 5 words/phrases that describe fast fashion.

Review Week 6





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