1) What is the main function of the Skeleton a) Protection b) Digestion c) Fighting disease d) Movement and support e) Respiration f) Make blood in the marrow 2) What Muscles can we control a) Cardiac b) Smooth c) Skeletal 3) What are the 3 types of Muscles a) Skeletal b) Antagonistic c) Cardiac d) Hamstring e) Smooth f) Axial 4) Name the muscle of the heart? a) Smooth b) Cardiac c) Voluntary 5) Muscles cause...  a) Pain b) Support c) Flexing d) Movement 6) Which bones protect the heart and lungs a) Skull b) Sternum c) Tarsals d) Vertebrae e) Ribcage 7) Tendons join... a) Bone to Muscle b) Bone to bone c) Skin to muscle d) Bone to skin 8) Muscles move by a) Contracting b) Pushing and pulling c) Side to side 9) What causes muscles to move a) Nerves b) Brain c) Spinal Cord 10) What are the 2 main types of joints? a) Gliding b) Fibrous c) Hinge d) Synovial e) Ball & Socket 11) Ligaments join a) Bone to bone b) Muscle to skin c) Bone to muscle d) Skin to bone 12) Muscles work in... a) Peculiar ways b) In pairs c) Parallel d) 9-5 e) opposites

The Skeleton and the Muscles





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