1) искусство a) peaceful b) audience c) to release d) art 2) развлечение a) to release b) author c) performance d) entertainment 3) зрители a) peaceful b) audience c) charity d) to remind 4) биография a) dozen b) biography c) peaceful d) to remind 5) роман a) to release b) novel c) script d) publisher 6) скульптура; статуя a) stage name b) sculpture c) imagination d) to remind 7) болезненный a) painful b) to produce c) to have much in common d) to release 8) мирный, спокойный a) biography b) stage name c) peaceful d) to persuade 9) успешный a) script b) successful c) entertainment d) painful 10) выставка a) exhibition b) audience c) legal/illegal d) to reply 11) дюжина, десяток a) successful b) performance c) dozen d) to take place in 12) однако, тем не менее a) however b) to have much in common c) sculpture d) stage name 13) издатель a) publisher b) to persuade c) to remind d) to produce 14) иметь много общего a) dozen b) to fade away c) to have much in common d) entertainment 15) представление, выступление a) performance b) however c) to fade away d) entertainment 16) дублер, каскадер a) successful b) stunt double c) legal/illegal d) peaceful 17) производить a) to produce b) author c) stunt double d) sculpture 18) напоминать a) sculpture b) to produce c) to remind d) dozen 19) уговаривать, убеждать a) however b) imagination c) to persuade d) to take place in 20) зарабатывать a) to earn b) publisher c) to persuade d) to remind 21) сценарий, скрипт a) script b) to have much in common c) sculpture d) to release 22) автор a) entertainment b) author c) painful d) however 23) воображение; фантазия a) performance b) art c) exhibition d) imagination 24) сценическое имя, псевдоним a) charity b) stage name c) to convince d) to take place in 25) исчезать, угасать a) to fade away b) sculpture c) performance d) author 26) выпускать a) stunt double b) to earn c) to release d) publisher 27) законный/незаконный a) sculpture b) stage name c) legal/illegal d) exhibition 28) отвечать a) to reply b) to earn c) novel d) stunt double 29) убеждать, уверять a) painful b) to convince c) to take place in d) to release 30) происходить в, проводиться в a) to take place in b) to earn c) to reply d) to have much in common 31) благотворительность a) to earn b) charity c) publisher d) sculpture

Prepare 4 Unit 17





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