Gravid - State of being pregnant, Gravida/Gravidity - Total number of times a woman has been pregnant, regardless of whether the pregnancy resulted in a termination or if multiple infants were born from one pregnancy, Nulligravida - A woman who has never experienced pregnancy, Primigravida - A woman pregnant for the first time, Secundigravida - A woman pregnant for the second time, Multigravida - A woman pregnant for at least the third time, Para - The number of times a woman has given birth to a fetus of at least 20 weeks (viable or not) counting multiple births as one event, Nullipara - A woman who has not produced a viable offspring, Multipara - A woman who has had two or more pregnancies of at least 20 weeks gestation resulting in viable offspring. Commonly referred to as a "multip", Primipara - A woman who has given birth once after a pregnancy of at least 20 weeks, commonly referred to as a "Primip" in clinical practice, Parity - Refers to the number of pregnancies, not the number of fetuses, carried to the point of viability, regardless of the outcome., Amenorrhea - Absence of menses, Dysmenorrhea - Painful menstrual bleedings in the absence of any detectable underlying pathology, Dys - Not or pain, Meno - Menstrual Related, Metro - Time, Oligo - Few, A - Without/None/Lack of, Rhagia - Excess or abnormal, Rhea - Flow,





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