1) My hero is... 2) My favorite thing to do when I was little was... 3) My favorite thing about my home is... 4) My favorite place to play is... 5) My favorite music to listen to is... 6) Brain Break-5 Jumping Jacks 7) Brain Break- Hop 10 times 8) It makes me silly when... 9) It makes me feel safe when... 10) I wish my teacher knew... 11) If I could visit any place it would be... 12) I fall asleep thinking about... 13) When I grow up, I want to be... 14) Brain Break- 10 Arm Circles 15) What makes me scared is... 16) The thing I miss most about school is... 17) The person who knows me best is... 18) I would like to get better at... 19) I wish my parents would... 20) I want to try... 21) Brain Break-10 High Knees 22) I like talking to my friends about... 23) I show kindness by... 24) I get nervous when... 25) I get frustrated when... 26) I worry about... 27) I feel like I can talk about anything with... 28) I feel sad when I think about... 29) I feel the happiest when... 30) When I get mad I...

Sentence Completion Feelings w/Breaks





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